This Week in Spring - June 19th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | June 19, 2012 | ...
<P> This week the I'm at QCon New York talking to people about Spring, Cloud Foundry,  vFabric, and  much more. Attendees at QCon conferences always keep things interesting with great questions and ideas.  

As usual, though, the internet has given us a lot of great content to look at this last week, so let's dive right into the roundup!

  1. If you missed Gary Russell's excellent webinar introducing managing and monitoring of Spring Integration applications, don't worry, the video is on the SpringSource YouTube channel.
  2.  <LI>  Details of the new  release of <a href = "">Spring for Apache Hadoop 1.0.0.M2</A> are available. For information on the project itself, check out this  <a href = "">in-depth blog of the highlights</a> by Spring for Apache Hadoop contributor, <a href="">Costin Leau</A>. </LI>		
    <LI> James Bayer has a great post introducing how to setup <a href  = ""> Apache Tomcat 7 as a server on Cloud Foundry</A> using the recently announced 
    	 <a href = "">standalone</A> 
    		 <a href = "">process</a> support.  </LI>
    	 <LI> Aljona Murygina has a great post on  <a href = "">using Spring's asynchronous execution and scheduling support</A>.    </LI>
        <LI>    The Codecentric blog has a nice post on <a href = "">using Spring  technoloies to create your own RSS reader</a>! Definitely worth a read!    </LI> 
    <LI> InfoQ has a nice post on the recently announced <a href ="">Spring Android 1.0 release</A>.   </LI>
  3. If you missed Spring Data contributor and ninja Oliver Gierke's talk at Øredev on Spring Data, Data Access 2.0, then be sure to check out the recording!
  4. <LI> The Cake Solutions blog has an interesting post   on getting around a possible hangup of using <a href ="">Spring's  AOP load time weaving with   Specs2 tests</A>.   </LI>
    <LI> The  Craftsman Spy framework has an interesting post on logging with JDBC <a href = "">using their logging JDBC driver classes and Spring</A>.  This driver lets you insert yourself between the actual JDBC driver and the API calls made to the JDBC driver where you can get visibility into the arguments  and operations made against the driver. Very cool!  </LI>
    	<LI> The RabbitMQ blog has a post on <a href ="">using STOMP  with RabbitMQ to build Websockets-based applications</A>. Very cool stuff!   </LI>
    <LI> VMWare's recent vFabric  release, 5.1,  has  updated the version of the  <a href= "">RabbitMQ messaging broker included in the suite to 2.8.1</A>.   </LI>

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