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This week I'm in Bangalore, India with other members of the SpringSource and Cloud Foundry teams talking to major system integrators about Spring and Cloud Foundry. The uptake's amazing, and the feedback is even better.
In related news, the Cloud Foundry Open Tour is coming to India next month! If you want to hear thought leaders and experts and learn about cloud computing, platform-as-a-service, architecture and Spring, then be sure to register now for either the Bangalore or Pune events. I look forward to seeing you there!
The new release features lots of new extension points in the Authorization Server features, a Whitelabel UI for better out-of-box experience, and improved support for expressions in security filters. Check it out!
<LI> WADL is a description format for RESTful web-services, in much the same way that WSDL describes SOAP-based web services' contracts. This excellent blog post, by Pankaj Bhatt, has an interesting approach <a href = "">to generating WADL descriptions for Spring MVC-based RESTful services</a>. </LI>
<LI> Roger Hughes is at it again, this time with <a href ="">part 2 of his look at Spring Social</A>. </LI>
<LI> Nicolas Frankel has a nice blog <a href = "">on method injection with Spring</a>.
Method injection is less useful with the introduction of Java configuration support, of course. Spring supports the injection of proxies of your beans that are recreated according to their scope on access in beans of larger scopes. In XML, this means using the <CODE><aop:scoped-proxy/></CODE> element in your bean definitions, or specifying the <CODE>proxyMode</CODE> attribute in the <CODE>@Bean</CODE> annotation on your Java configuration-based bean definitions.
<LI> Gordon Dickens is back at it, this time with a nice post on the third part of his blog series <A href = ""> introducing best practices for setting up Spring applications</A>. </LI>
Semika Koku Kaluge has an interesting post on how to use <a href = "">Spring's <CODE>LocaleChangeInterceptor</CODE> to
set the Locale
of internationalized messages through an HTTP request.
<LI> The <A href ="">TomcatExpert</A> has a blog on <A href = ""> the release of Apache Tomcat 7.0.29</A>. </LI><LI> Then, <A href ="">TomcatExpert</A> has a nice blog on migrating <A href= "">from Websphere to Weblogic to tcServer</A>, which is the more operations-friendly version of Tomcat packaged as part of VMWare's vFabric. </LI><LI> Finally, <A href ="">TomcatExpert</A> has a nice post on <a href = "">setting up SSL in Apache Tomcat</A>. </LI>