This Week in Spring - 11 December, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | December 11, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! We finished SpringOne China over the weekend and are today at the first of two events for SpringOne India in Bangalore and SpringOne in Hyderabad. The shows have been really amazing! In particular, we've enjoyed the food, the sites and the amazing community that have turned up in droves!

An attendee took a shot of me as I was giving a talk on Spring on Cloud Foundry Dr. Mark Pollack, myself, Gary Russell and Chris Richardson at a restaurant in Beijing
I gave a talk in Bangalore and people deluged the stage with questions and greetings. I asked the last wave of people to take a photo with me. LtoR: Gary Russel, Josh Long, Jennifer Hickey, Jeremy Grelle, Oliver Gierke, Chris Richardson -- the whole SpringOne India lineup


    <LI> Roy Clarkson has announced <a href = "">Spring for Android 1.0</a>, which     adds support for Jackson 2.x in <code>RestTemplate</code> through the new <code>MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter</code>. It also addresses several bugs and compatibility issues with <code>RestTemplate</code> and Android Jelly Bean.</LI>
    <LI>The <a href=""> portal</a> has a nice post on Spring Insight Developer to analyze code, <a href="">install it with Tomcat, and extend it with plugins</a>. </LI>
    <LI>Spring Scala lead Arjen Poutsma has a nice <a href="">post introducing Spring Scala</a>.  </LI>
  1. The folks over at Trifork have a great blog on properly testing Spring MVC controllers
  2. I'm going to be honest here -- I don't know, exactly, what this post is about, as it's written in Korean and the Google translation's not particularly helpful. It seems like the author's discovered a caveat related to Spring MVC's @SessionAttribute and provided a work around. Hopefully, it's useful to you if you read Korean!
  3. Are you using RabbitMQ from a .NET environment? Check out this post on EasyNewQ which is a .NET client for RabbitMQ.
  4. The GoSmarter blog has an interesting post on how to setup a fake FTP server to unit test Spring Integration FTP flows. The blog also has a nice post on mocking SFTP support in Spring Integration.
  5. The GoSmarter blog also has a nice post on using Spring Security and container-managed security
  6. Also from the GoSmarter blog, a nice post on doing test-driven development with Spring Webflow.
  7. The MonoCaffe blog has a nice post on using a Spring MVC JSP tag to allow pre-pending and appending of icons to Bootstrap's input fields.
  8. The Zen Java blog has a nice post on using creating a RESTful Spring MVC service that is consumed from Java FX. This is really slick.
  9. The Cafe Techno blog has a nice post that compares Spring MVC and Struts. Spring MVC fares very well, I'd say!
  10. The a Quick Guide to Java blog has a good post on Spring MVC internationalization.
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