SpringOne 2GX 2012 Replays: Automated Provisioning of Spring Apps to EC2 & VMware vCloud, Addressing the Big Data Challenge with a Graph

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 15, 2013 | ...

Automated Provisioning of Spring Apps to EC2 & VMware vCloud

This session will focus on deploying and managing your Spring Application in the cloud using VMware vFabric Application Director. A series of Spring applications, increasing in complexity, will be deployed. The deployments will cover generating property files and activating Spring profiles. Some other highlights of the presentation will be deploying to VMWare vCloud & EC2, updating an existing deployment, and some general tips & tricks.

The session will begin by using a simple contact application to be deployed as a standalone webapp with an in memory DB on single node, then it will continue with a more advanced example using PostgreSQL DB on a separate node, and finally demonstrate the use and configuration of an external DB & an Apache proxy. The session will conclude with the deployment and discussion of Nanotrader, a sample trading application, with complex requirements.

About Brian Dussault

Brian Dussault

Brian Dussault is a Staff Engineer with the vFabric division of VMware and has 14+ years of experience in software engineering. Throughout his tenure, he has worked in both IT (High Tech Manufacturing, Financial Industries) and R&D positions. His experience spans multiple disciplines including web applications, integration, SOA, open source, and system design.

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About David Winterfeldt

David Winterfeldt

David Winterfeldt works at VMware on the VMware vFabric Application Director project. It enables developers and organizations to deploy applications to the cloud by having a logical abstraction for software services and application topologies. This allows an application to be easily deployed multiple times to different environments.

David has been doing software development for over 20 years. He's been using Java since 1998 and involved in using Open Source almost as long. David has focused on Web and Enterprise development for most of his career, and started working with the Spring Framework in 2006.

David runs the website Spring by Example, which is a site for sharing Spring examples. The site is a general resource for Spring and should ultimately save developers time. He's is also an Apache committer on Struts and Commons Validator, as well as the creator of Commons Validator (although currently no longer active on either).

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Addressing the Big Data Challenge with a Graph

Graphs are everywhere. From websites adding social capabilities to Telcos providing personalized customer services, to innovative bioinformatics research, organizations are adopting graph databases as the best way to model and query connected data. If you can whiteboard, you can model your domain in a graph database.

In this session Emil Eifrem provides a close look at the graph model and offers best use cases for effective, cost-efficient data storage and accessibility.

Take Aways: Understand the model of a graph database and how it compares to document and relational databases Understand why graph databases are best suited for the storage, mapping and querying of connected data

Emil's presentation will be followed by a Hands-on Guide to Spring Data Neo4j. Spring Data Neo4j provides straightforward object persistence into the Neo4j graph database. Conceived by Rod Johnson and Neo Technology CEO Emil Eifrem, it is the founding project of the Spring Data effort. The library leverages a tight integration with the Spring Framework and the Spring Data infrastructure. Besides the easy to use object graph mapping it offers the powerful graph manipulation and query capabilities of Neo4j with a convenient API.

The talk introduces the different aspects of Spring Data Neo4j and shows applications in several example domains.

During the session we walk through the creation of a engaging sample application that starts with the setup and annotating the domain objects. We see the usage of Neo4jTemplate and the powerful repository abstraction. After deploying the application to a cloud PaaS we execute some interesting query use-cases on the collected data.

About Emil Eifrem

Emil Eifrem

Emil Eifrem is CEO of Neo Technology and co-founder of the Neo4j project. Before founding Neo, he was the CTO of Windh AB, where he headed the development of highly complex information architectures for Enterprise Content Management Systems. Committed to sustainable open source, he guides Neo along a balanced path between free availability and commercial reliability. Emil is a frequent conference speaker and author on NOSQL databases.

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About Michael Hunger

Michael Hunger More

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