SpringOne 2GX 2012 Replays: Spring Data Repositories Deep Dive, Intro to Cascading

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 05, 2013 | ...

Spring Data Repositories – A Deep Dive

The repository abstraction layer is one of the core pieces of the Spring Data projects. It provides a consistent, interface-based programming model to allow implementing data access layers easily. The talk will start with a brief introduction and dive into best practices and implementation patterns later one.

We will conclude the session with an overview over what can actually be built on top of this generic repository abstraction and discuss integration hooks into Spring MVC and REST webservices.

About the speaker

Oliver Gierke

Oliver Gierke

Oliver Gierke is engineer at SpringSource, a division of VMware, project lead of the Spring Data JPA module and involved into other Spring Data modules (e.g. MongoDB) as well. He has been into developing enterprise applications and open source projects for over 6 years now. His working focus is centered around software architecture, Spring and persistence technologies. He is regularly speaking at German and international conferences as well as author of technology articles.


Introduction to Cascading

Introduction to Cascading, an application framework for Java developers to deploy robust, enterprise-grade applications on Apache Hadoop. We'll start with the simplest Cascading program possible (file copy in a distributed file system) and progress in small steps to show a Java-based social recommender system based on Twitter feeds.

Introduction to Cascading, an application framework for Java developers to deploy robust, enterprise-grade applications on Apache Hadoop. We'll start with the simplest Cascading program possible (file copy in a distributed file system) and progress in small steps to show a Java-based social recommender system based on Twitter feeds.

The objective is to show how to work with “Big Data”, starting on a laptop with sample data sets, to generate JAR-based apps which can be deployed on very large clusters.

We'll show best practices for scalable apps in Cascading, how to leverage TDD features, etc.

About the speaker

Paco Nathan

Paco Nathan

Data Scientist @ http://ConcurrentInc.com. Developer Evangelist for http://Cascading.org open source project. Expert in Hadoop, R, cloud computing, machine learning, predictive analytics, NLP. BS MathSci and CS CompSci from Stanford, 25+ yrs in tech industry. For the past several years, I've been leading Data Science teams, working with large scale MapReduce applications.

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