This Week in Spring - April 2nd, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | April 02, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring ! I've just returned from Devoxx UK and Devoxx France where I was very happy to talk to developers using Spring from all walks of industry. I also spoke at Skills Matter in London on building web applications using Spring. Thanks to Skills Matter, the London Spring User Group, and to the amazing Rob Harrop for having me, it was such a pleasure! The video from that session is available online if you're interested.

  1. Register today for the Super Early Bird rate at SpringOne 2GX 2013, in Santa Clara, CA Sept 9th-12th, 2013!
  2. Gary Russell's announced that Spring AMQP 1.2.0.M1 is now available.
  3. <LI> The Cujojs team has announced that <CODE>rest.js</CODE> is <a href="">now part of Cujo.js</a>
    <a href="">and <CODE>rest.js</CODE> 0.9 and is now available</a>.</LI> <LI>Gary Russell's announced that <A href="">Spring Integration 2.2.3 is now available</a>. This release corrects an issue with the conversion of some complex message payloads when being mapped to method arguments, as well as a few other minor issues.
  4. Arjen Poutsma has announced that Spring Scala 1.0.0.M2 is now available. The new release is full of features, including an updated JdbcTemplate wrapper, rich wrappers for BeanFactory, ListableBeanFactory and ApplicationContext, AOP advice wrappers with implicit conversions, support for Spring 3.2.2, and updated support in FunctionConfiguration for eager initialization, along with many other bug fixes and changes.
  5. <LI>Last week's webinar introducing <a href=""> the Spring Integration adapter for Splunk</a> is now available online. Nice job by David Turanski and Damien Dallimore (Splunk)!</LI>
    <LI>New SpringOne2GX replays now available in HD on YouTube: <a href="">Getting Started with Spring Security 3.1, Tooling for Spring, Grails and the Cloud</a></LI>
    <LI> The JRebel guys  
    	have announced an updated version of their plugin which facilitates live-reloading of code in Java applications. The new release features improved support for Spring, supporting live reloading of
    	<a href="!/">
    	 <CODE>@Configuration</CODE>-based Spring applications</a>.
  6.  James Rossiter has a nice post on how to handle form binding using Spring MVC's <CODE>&lt;form&gt;</code> tags and 
    	 Spring MVC models. There are two posts. The first introduces how to <A href="">bind a parent and child object</a>. The second introduces <a href="">the <CODE>initBinder</CODE></a> mechanism. 
  7. The JavaBeat blog has a nice post on how to use Spring's scopes
  8. Pravin Chavan has a nice post on how to handle HTTP request interception using the Spring framework.
  9. The 2Bloggers blog has a nice post introducing the distinct duties performed by the BeanFactory and ApplicationContext objects in Spring and their relationship to each other.
  10. The TechRecipes blog has a nice post on basic configuration of a Spring application using Spring's XML configuration format. This is admittedly very introductory.
  11. The Java EE Architectures blog has a nice post on how use Spring MVC and Spring Data MongoDB together.
  12. Camilo Lopes has written up a book review (in Portuguese) of the Portguese-language book Vire o jogo com Spring Framework. This is worth a read if you're looking for a book introducing Spring (in Portuguese).
  13. The Programming Fortune blog has put together a nice post that's also on the subject of populating objects with form-field data.

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