This Week in Spring - July 2nd, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | July 03, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!

  1. Spring and Cloud Foundry ninja Jennifer Hickey has announced the availability of Spring Data Redis 1.1 M1 and 1.0.5. Check it out!
  2. Spring Security lead (and ninja) Rob Winch has announced the initial availability of the Spring Security Java configuration support. Rob also just posted a very nice post (the first of four) on the new Spring Security Java configuration support. The first post addresses where you can find the new Spring Security Java configuration support.
  3. Join us on July 18th for the webinar, "Functional Programming without Lambas" which introduces ways to use functional programing in Java right now (instead of waiting for Java 8!) using Guava, LambaJ, and Functional Java.
  4. Corby Page has written a very nice post on ways to extend your REST APIs ability with his project, Yoga. In particular, it supports something called a selector which can be used to extract sub-views of the REST response to be sent back to the client. This can also be used to support what Lez Hazelwood aptly describes as entity expansions.
  5. The Crunchify blog has a nice post on how to upload multiple files with Spring MVC.
  6. SpringSource has added a new Live Online Core Spring class to the schedule for September .
  7. The Spring LDAP project has gone social and moved to GitHub!
  8. Our pal XueFeng Ding (who you may remember helped put together the blog "Spring at China Scala") has just recently given a very nice presentation on building REST APIs with Spring. I think his deck's pretty cool, so check it out!
  9. Sergey Shcherbakov recently gave a nice talk introducing a whole slew of cool things. I think his sample code is particularly worth a look. The code features Spring 4 WebSockets, XML-less Spring Batch, Reactor and AngularJS examples. Nice job, Sergey!
  10. Johnathan Mark Smith has put together a nice blog on how to use Spring Data with MongoDB. Nice job!
  11. Nicolas Frankel has put together a very nice post on some of the compelling features in Spring 3.2. Nice job, Nicolas!
  12. Nick Williams submitted a pull-request to support using Java configuration with Spring WS's MessageDispatcherServlet so that it can be configured within a ServletContextListener or a ServletContainerInitializer. Nice job, Nick!
  13. This is not specific to Spring, or Spring Batch, per-se, but the Technology AMIS blog has an interesting look at how to use the Batch JSR (which is based on Spring Batch, and designed in cooperation with the Spring Batch team) to build a download manager. (Don't worry, you don't have to use GlassFish to work with the Batch JSR!) Pretty cool! If you know Spring Batch, then a lot of this will look familiar and, as Spring Batch will also implement the JSR, should prove a very nice on-ramp for anyone who wants to use Spring Batch in the future.

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