Webinar replay: Taming Coupling & Cohesive Beasts with Modularity Patterns and Spring

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 02, 2013 | ...

Speaker: Param Rengaiah, Aspire Systems

By now you should have heard about coupling and cohesiveness. These concepts, and their third cousin, polymorphism, is what we as developers chase day-in and day-out. They tease us with reusability and the promise of comprehensiveness of our code. They entice us with promises of code quality and testability. They came in the form of "Object Oriented' design, followed by GoF and SOLID Design Patterns, DDD, BDD.. but none of them delivered what they promised. Now, the new kids on the block are Functional Programming and Modularity Patterns.

What happens when you choose to go through large refactoring exercise on the back of Modularity Patterns, in a large, complex enterprise project? The journey was long, arduous and gruesome. On the way, I made many enemies and found some new friends. This talk will highlight the issues, both technical and otherwise, and how it was overcome; where did Spring help and where did it hurt. In the end, was it worth it? Come to this session and you will find out.

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