Webinar Replay: Bringing Spring Apps to the Web at the US Navy

News | Chloe Jackson | October 29, 2013 | ...

The US Navy needed a new content management system, but didn't want to re-implement their existing applications or abandon their investment in Spring and Grails.

What they needed was a CMS that let developers use their existing Spring skills to easily bring the Navy's applications to the web.

Campbell-Ewald, the Navy's digital agency, found that the best solution was Magnolia, an enterprise open source Java CMS that offers a unique Spring integration called Blossom.

In this recorded webinar, Campbell-Ewald Solutions Architect Matt Dertinger provides an overview of the requirements, challenges, tools and solutions for the project.

After this, Magnolia Senior Software Engineer Tobias Mattsson shows how Blossom lets developers extend Magnolia CMS and integrate existing Spring applications by writing ordinary Spring code. Learn more about Magnolia CMS and Blossom, including information on upcoming webinars and Blossom presentations. Also, check out Magnolia's latest Spring Tech Brief on Adding Enterprise Content Management to Spring with Blossom.

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