SpringOne2GX 2013 Replay: Inside Cloud Foundry - An Architectural Review

News | Chloe Jackson | November 08, 2013 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2013 in Santa Clara, CA.

Speakers: Dekel Tankel - Pivotal, Christophe Levesque -AppDirect, Scott Motte - Sendgrid

Inside Cloud Foundry: An Architectural Review Cloud Foundry makes it easy to push an app, bind services to it, and scale it. Cloud Foundry takes care of the all the infrastructure and network plumbing that you need to run your applications and can do this while patching and updating systems and services without any downtime. This session will provide a deep technical tour of the architecture behind the latest version of Cloud Foundry that makes all this possible and will provide insights for anyone interested in large scale distributed systems.

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