Spring Best Practices & Cloud Foundry Event in Bangalore

News | Mark Baars | November 21, 2013 | ...

We are glad to announce that we will host a free conference about Spring and Cloud Foundry on Sunday November 24th at the office of SpringPeople in Bangalore, from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM.

You can register by clicking here, make sure to register in time since we have limited seats available for this free event.

The event sessions include:

  • Cloud Foundry: Using Spring to Deploy your Apps to the Cloud by Paul Chapman

Paul Chapman is a Senior Consultant within our Australian service delivery division, where he undertakes consulting, training and mentoring of our clients across Asia-Pacific. He joined SpringSource in 2007 and has, since then, taught Spring to more than 1000 students.

Paul will look at Spring reference architectures for developing and deploying applications into the cloud and specifically Cloud Foundry, an open source PaaS from Pivotal. These reference architectures touch on many of the Spring projects, such as Spring Data, Spring Social and Spring Mobile to demonstrate a modern software architecture that is data intensive, can be consumed across multiple devices and can be deployed into the cloud.

We will show how Cloud Foundry can help you manage these applications easily once they have been deployed.

  • Spring best practices: from Spring Petclinic to Spring Data Hadoop by Michael Isvy

Michael Isvy joined SpringSource (the company behind Spring, now part of Pivotal) in 2008. He has, since then, taught Spring to more than 1000 students in 10 different countries. He has presented on Spring at numerous conferences and is an active technical blogger on the spring.io blog. Michael holds the position of Education Manager for the Asia-Pacific region at SpringSource/Pivotal.

He has recently worked on the new Spring-Petclinic sample application, which aims to promote best practices when working with Spring and Spring MVC inside a web application. He will use this application to showcase Spring best practices. He will also bring an interesting perspective on how Spring best practices have evolved over time.

Click here for more event details

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