Cache Abstraction: JCache (JSR-107) Annotations Support

Engineering | Stéphane Nicoll | April 14, 2014 | ...

Spring's caching abstraction is available as from Spring 3.1 and it was about time to show it some more love. In this post, I want to walk you through the major improvement in that area which is the JCache (JSR-107) annotations support.

As you may have heard, JSR-107 went final after all, 13 years after the initial proposal. For those who are familiar with Spring’s caching annotations, the following table describes the mapping between the Spring annotations and the JSR-107 counterpart:

Spring JSR-107
@Cacheable @CacheResult
@CachePut @CachePut
@CacheEvict @CacheRemove
@CacheEvict(allEntries=true) @CacheRemoveAll

JCache annotations

Let's first look at each annotation and describe how they can be used. This will be a chance to better understand what they support with regards to what you've been used to with the Spring annotations and more importantly the new features that these annotations bring.


@CacheResult is fairly similar to @Cacheable, the following rewrites the original example using the @CacheResult annotation:

@CacheResult(cacheName = "books")
public Book findBook(ISBN isbn) {...}

Keys generation can be customized using the CacheKeyGenerator interface. If no specific implementation is specified, the default implementation, per spec, takes all parameters unless one or more parameters are annotated with the @CacheKey annotation, in which case only those are used. Assuming that the method above needs now an extra attribute that should not be part of the key, this is how we would write it with JCache:

@CacheResult(cacheName = "book")
public Book findBook(@CacheKey ISBN isbn, boolean checkWarehouse) { ... }

@CacheResult brings the concept of exception cache: whenever a method execution failed, it is possible to cache the exception that was raised to prevent calling the method again. Let’s assume that InvalidIsbnNotFoundException is thrown if the structure of the ISBN is invalid. This is a permanent failure, no book could ever be retrieved with such parameter. The following caches the exception so that further calls with the same, invalid ISBN, throws the cached exception directly instead of invoking the method again.

@CacheResult(cacheName = "books", exceptionCacheName = "failures"
             cachedExceptions = InvalidIsbnNotFoundException.class)
public Book findBook(@CacheKey ISBN isbn) { ... }

Of course, blindly throwing a cached exception might be very confusing as the call stack may not match with the current invocation context. We do our best to make sure the stacktrace matches by copying the exception with a consistent call stack.

JCache has this cool notion of CacheResolver that permits to resolve the cache to use at runtime. Because JCache supports regular caches and exception caches, the CacheResolver instances to use are determined by a CacheResolverFactory. The obvious default is to resolve the cache to use based on the cacheName and exceptionCacheName attributes, respectively. However, it is also possible to customize the factory to use per operation.

@CacheResult(cacheName = "books", cacheResolverFactory = MyFactory.class)
public Book findBook(@CacheKey ISBN isbn) { ... }

Finally, @CacheResult has a skipGet attribute that can be enabled to always invoke the method regardless of the status of the cache. This is actually quite similar to our own use of @CachePut.


While the annotations have the same name, the semantic in JCache is fairly different. A simple update for our book would be written like this

@CachePut(value = "books", key = "#p0")
public Book update(ISBN isbn, Book updatedBook) { ... }

While JCache would require you to write it like this

@CachePut(cacheName = "books")
public void update(ISBN isbn, @CacheValue Book updatedBook) { ... }

Note that even though updatedBook should not be part of the key, we didn't have to add a @CacheKey to the first argument. This is because the parameter annotated with @CacheValue is automatically excluded from the key generation.

As for @CacheResult, @CachePut allows to manage any exception that is thrown while executing the method, preventing the put operation to happen if the thrown exception matches the filter specified on the annotation.

Finally, it is possible to control if the cache is updated before or after the invocation of the annotated method. Of course, if it is updated before, no exception handling takes place.

@CacheRemove and @CacheRemoveAll

These are really similar to @CacheEvict and @CacheEvict(allEntries = true) respectively. @CacheRemove has a special exception handling to prevent the eviction if the annotated method throws an exception that matches the filter specified on the annotation.

Other features


@CacheDefaults is a class-level annotation that allows you to share common settings on any caching operation defined on the class. These are:

  • The name of the cache
  • The custom CacheResolverFactory
  • The custom CacheKeyGenerator

In the sample below, any cache-related operation would use the books cache:

@CacheDefaults(cacheName = "books")
public class BookRepositoryImpl implements BookRepository {

    public Book findBook(@CacheKey ISBN isbn) { ... }

Enabling JSR-107 support

The implementation of the JCache support uses our own Cache and CacheManager abstraction which means that you can use your existing CacheManager infrastructure, and yet use standard annotations!

To enable the support of Spring caching annotations, you are used to either @EnableCaching or the <cache:annotation-driven/> xml element, for instance something like:

public class AppConfig {
    public CacheManager cacheManager() { ...}


So, what does it take to bring the support of standard annotations into the mix? Well, not much. Just add the JCache API and the spring-context-support module in your classpath if you haven't already and you'll be set.

The existing infrastructure actually looks for the presence of the JCache API and when found alongside Spring's JCache support, it will also configure the necessary infrastructure to support the standard annotations.

#Wrapping up

Long story short, if you are already using Spring's caching abstraction and you'd like to try the standard annotations, adding two more dependencies to your project is all that would be needed to get started.

Want to give it a try? Grab a nightly SNAPSHOT build of Spring 4.1 and add the javax.cache:cache-api:1.0.0 and org.springframework:spring-context-support:4.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT dependencies to your project. The documentation has also been updated in case you need more details.

In a next post, I'll cover how supporting JSR-107 annotations affected our own support as well as some other cache-related improvements.

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