Webinar Replay: Web Application diagnostics with Java and JavaScript

News | Pieter Humphrey | May 08, 2014 | ...

Speakers: Ashley Puls, New Relic Josh Long, Pivotal

There is more and more usage of JavaScript on the client side today. Many are starting down the difficult path of full blown application development in JS on the client side, going beyond having a simple rollover menu logic or presentation component. But tracking and tracing effectively means looking at the whole application, not just the front end. New Relic can be used either in development or production to diagnose hybrid JavaScript/Java applications. In this session, Josh Long (Pivotal) and Ashley Puls (New Relic) will show how you can track and trace your way through today's hybrid JavaScript+Java web apps - resolving slow page loads, blocked threads, slow queries, etc.

Learn more about using New Relic at: http://www.newrelic.com

Learn more about using Spring at: http://www.spring.io

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