Webinar Replay: Reactive data-pipelines with Spring XD and Kafka

News | Pieter Humphrey | May 20, 2015 | ...

Speakers: Marius Bogoevici & Mark Pollack

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mbogoevici/reactive-data-pipelines-with-spring-xd-and-kafka

In the recent years, drastic increases in data volume as well as a greater demand for low latency have led to a radical shift in business requirements and application development methods. In response to these demands, frameworks such as RxJava and high throughput messaging systems such as Kafka have emerged as key building blocks. However, integrating technologies is never easy and Spring XD provides a solution. Through its development model and runtime, Spring XD makes it easy to develop highly scalable data pipelines, and lets you focus on writing and testing business logic vs. integrating and scaling a big data stack. Come and see how easy this can be in this webinar, where we will demonstrate how to build highly scalable data pipelines with RxJava and Kafka, using Spring XD as a platform. In the recent years, drastic increases in data volume as well as a greater demand for low latency have led to a radical shift in business requirements and application development methods. In response to these demands, frameworks such as RxJava and high throughput messaging systems such as Kafka have emerged as key building blocks. However, integrating technologies is never easy and Spring XD provides a solution. Through its development model and runtime, Spring XD makes it easy to develop highly scalable data pipelines, and lets you focus on writing and testing business logic vs. integrating and scaling a big data stack. Come and see how easy this can be in this webinar, where we will demonstrate how to build highly scalable data pipelines with RxJava and Kafka, using Spring XD as a platform.

Learn more about Spring XD at http://projects.spring.io/spring-xd


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