SpringOne2GX 2015 Replay: Spring Cloud at Netflix

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 19, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015.

Speakers: Jon Schneider, Taylor Wicksell - Netflix

Web / JavaScript Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-cloud-at-netflix

Cloud Native Track Spring Cloud Netflix allows you to quickly take your existing Spring Boot application and transform it into a fully cloud-ready service (even if you are operating out of a private data center). This talk will be largely live coded, taking a simple Spring Boot app and progressively augmenting it with more and more production-ready features. 1. Service discovery -- how we have extended Spring Cloud to integrate more seamlessly with Eureka. 2. Real-time Metrics -- Spectator/Atlas integration, including how we fold Spring Boot Actuator metrics into Spectator. We will show you how to use the Atlas stack language to generate real-time metrics graphics. 3. Inter-service Communication/Loading Balancing - When should you choose client-side load balancing (Ribbon) over traditional server-side load balancing? We will explain how Netflix OSS can contain both a client side load balancer in Ribbon and a software router in Zuul and when to use each. 4. Managing Failure - Provide a demo of Hystrix/Spring integration with Turbine. 5. Analytics - How Spring Cloud Netflix makes Spring XD an even more powerful real-time analytics platform with real-time operational insights.

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