Testing improvements in Spring Boot 1.4

Engineering | Phil Webb | April 15, 2016 | ...

One of the nice things about working for Pivotal is that they have a great agile development division called Pivotal Labs. The teams within Labs are big proponents of Lean and XP software methodologies such as pair programming and test-driven development. Their love of testing has had a particular impact on Spring Boot 1.4 as we've started to get great feedback on things that could be improved. This blog post highlights some of the new testing features that have just landed in the latest M2 release.

Testing without Spring

The easiest way to unit test any Spring @Component is to not involve Spring at all! It's always best to try and structure your code so that classes can be instantiated and tested directly. Usually that boils down to a few things:

  • Structure your code with clean separation of concerns so that individual parts can be unit tested. TDD is a good way to achieve this.
  • Use constructor injection to ensure that objects can be instantiated directly. Don't use field injection as it just makes your tests harder to write.

With Spring Framework 4.3 it's very easy to write components that use constructor injections as you no longer need to use @Autowired. As long as you have a single constructor, Spring will implicitly consider it an autowire target:

public class MyComponent {
    private final SomeService service;

    public MyComponent(SomeService service) {
        this.service = service;


Testing MyComponent is now as simple as directly creating it, and calling some methods:

public void testSomeMethod() {
    SomeService service = mock(SomeService.class);
    MyComponent component = new MyComponent(service);
    // setup mock and class component methods

Spring Boot 1.3 recap

Of course, often you need to move a little further up the stack and start to write integration tests that do involve Spring. Luckily, Spring Framework has the spring-test module to help here, unluckily there a lot of different ways to use it with Spring Boot 1.3.

You might be using the @ContextConfiguration annotation in combination with SpringApplicationContextLoader:

@ContextConfiguration(classes=MyApp.class, loader=SpringApplicationContextLoader.class)
public class MyTest {

    // ...


You might have chosen @SpringApplicationConfiguration:

public class MyTest {

    // ...


You might have combined either of them with @IntegrationTest:

public class MyTest {

    // ...


Or with @WebIntegrationTest (or possibly @IntegrationTest + @WebAppConfiguration)

public class MyTest {

    // ...


You can also throw into the mix running your server on a random port (@WebIntegrationTest(randomPort=true)) and adding properties (using @IntegrationTest("myprop=myvalue") or @TestPropertySource(properties="myprop=myvalue"))

That's a lot of choice!

Spring Boot 1.4 simplifications

With Spring Boot 1.4, things should get simpler. There is a single @SpringBootTest annotation to use for regular tests, as well as some specialized variants for testing slices of your application (more on that later).

A typical Spring Boot 1.4 integration test will look like this:

public class MyTest {

    // ...

Here's a breakdown of what's happening:

  • @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) tells JUnit to run using Spring's testing support. SpringRunner is the new name for SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, it's just a bit easier on the eye.
  • @SpringBootTest is saying "bootstrap with Spring Boot's support" (e.g. load application.properties and give me all the Spring Boot goodness)
  • The webEnvironment attribute allows specific "web environments" to be configured for the test. You can start tests with a MOCK servlet environment or with a real HTTP server running on either a RANDOM_PORT or a DEFINED_PORT.
  • If we want to load a specific configuration, we can use the classes attribute of @SpringBootTest. In this example, we've omitted classes which means that the test will first attempt to load @Configuration from any inner-classes, and if that fails, it will search for your primary @SpringBootApplication class.

The @SpringBootTest annotation also has a properties attribute that can be used to specify any additional properties that should be defined in the Environment. Properties are now loaded in the exact same way as Spring's regular @TestPropertySource annotation.

Here's a more concrete example that actually hits a real REST endpoint:

public class MyTest {
    private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;

    public void test() {
            "/{username}/vehicle", String.class, "Phil");


Note that TestRestTemplate is now available as bean whenever @SpringBootTest is used. It's pre-configured to resolve relative paths to http://localhost:${local.server.port}. We could have also used the @LocalServerPort annotation to inject the actual port that the server is running on into a test field.

Mocking and spying

When you start testing real systems, you often find it's helpful to mock out specific beans. Common scenarios for mocking include simulating services that you can't use when running tests, or testing failure scenarios that are difficult to trigger in a live system.

With Spring Boot 1.4 you can easily create a Mockito mocks that can replace an existing bean, or create a new one:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SampleTestApplicationWebIntegrationTests {

    private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;

    private VehicleDetailsService vehicleDetailsService;

    public void setup() {
            new VehicleDetails("Honda", "Civic"));

    public void test() {
            String.class, "sframework");


In this example we're:

  • Creating a Mockito mock for VehicleDetailsService.
  • Injecting it into the ApplicationContext as a bean.
  • Injecting it into the field in the test.
  • Stubbing behavior in the setup method.
  • Trigger something that will ultimately call the mock.

Mocks will be automatically reset across tests. They also form part of the cache key used by Spring Test (so there's no need to add @DirtiesContext)

Spies work in a similar way. Simply annotate a test field with @SpyBean to have a spy wrap any existing bean in the ApplicationContext.

JSON Assertions

If you use the spring-boot-starter-test POM to import test dependencies, starting with 1.4 you will get the excellent AssertJ library. AssertJ provides a fluent assertion API that replaces JUnit's somewhat basic org.junit.Assert class. If you've not seen it before, a basic AssertJ call looks something like this:


Spring Boot 1.4 offers extended assertions that you can use to check JSON marshalling and unmarshalling. JSON testers are available for both Jackson and Gson.

public class VehicleDetailsJsonTests {

    private JacksonTester<VehicleDetails> json;

    public void setup() {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); 
        // Possibly configure the mapper
        JacksonTester.initFields(this, objectMapper);

    public void serializeJson() {
        VehicleDetails details = 
            new VehicleDetails("Honda", "Civic");




    public void deserializeJson() {
        String content = "{\"make\":\"Ford\",\"model\":\"Focus\"}";

            .isEqualTo(new VehicleDetails("Ford", "Focus"));



JSON comparisons are actually performed using JSONassert, so only the logical structure of the JSON needs to to match. You can also see in the example above how JsonPath expressions can be used to test or extract data.

Testing application slices

Spring Boot's auto-configuration feature is great for configuring all the things that an application needs to run. Unfortunately, full auto-configuration can sometimes be a little overkill for tests. Sometimes you just want to configure a "slice" of your application -- Is Jackson configured correctly? Do my MVC controllers return the correct status code? Are my JPA queries going to run?

With Spring Boot 1.4 these common scenarios are now easy to test. We've also made it easier to build your own annotations that apply only the auto-configuration classes that you need.

Testing the JPA slice

To test the JPA slice of your application (Hibernate + Spring Data) you can use the @DataJpaTest annotation. A @DataJpaTest will:

  • Configure an in-memory database.
  • Auto-configure Hibernate, Spring Data and the DataSource.
  • Perform an @EntityScan.
  • Turn on SQL logging

A typical test looks like this:

public class UserRepositoryTests {

    private TestEntityManager entityManager;

    private UserRepository repository;

    public void findByUsernameShouldReturnUser() {
        this.entityManager.persist(new User("sboot", "123"));
        User user = this.repository.findByUsername("sboot");


The TestEntityManager in the above test is provided by Spring Boot. It's an alternative to the standard JPA EntityManager that provides methods commonly used when writing tests.

Testing the Spring MVC slice

To test the Spring MVC slice of your application you can use the @WebMvcTest annotation. This will:

  • Auto-configure Spring MVC, Jackson, Gson, Message converters etc.
  • Load relevant components (@Controller, @RestController, @JsonComponent etc)
  • Configure MockMVC

Here's a typical example that tests a single controller:

public class UserVehicleControllerTests {

    private MockMvc mvc;

    private UserVehicleService userVehicleService;

    public void getVehicleShouldReturnMakeAndModel() {
            .willReturn(new VehicleDetails("Honda", "Civic"));

            .andExpect(content().string("Honda Civic"));


If you prefer HtmlUnit, you can also use a WebClient instead of MockMvc. If selenium is more your thing, you can switch to a WebDriver.

Testing the JSON slice

If you need to test that JSON serialization is working as expected, you can use @JsonTest. This will:

  • Auto-configure Jackson and/or Gson
  • Add any Module or @JsonComponent beans that you've defined
  • Trigger initialization of any JacksonTester or GsonTester fields

Here's an example:

public class VehicleDetailsJsonTests {

    private JacksonTester<VehicleDetails> json;

    public void serializeJson() {
        VehicleDetails details = new VehicleDetails(
            "Honda", "Civic");




If you want to try out the new testing features in Spring Boot 1.4 you can grab M2 from http://repo.spring.io/snapshot/. There's also a sample project available on GitHub as well as the updated documentation. If you've got any suggestions for addition "slices" that we should support, or any further improvements that you'd like to see, please raise an issue.

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