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Learn moreOn behalf of the Spring Cloud team it is my pleasure to announce a new milestone release of Spring Cloud Pipelines - 1.0.0.M2
. Apart from some bug fixes it’s providing an out of the box support for Gradle projects.
In order for the Gradle project to work out of the box the following opinionated decisions were taken:
usage of Gradlew Wrapper
custom deploy
task is used for artifacts deployment
running smoke tests on a deployed app via the custom smoke
running end to end tests on a deployed app via the custom e2e
custom groupId
task to retrieve group id
custom artifactId
task to retrieve artifact id
custom currentVersion
task to retrieve the current version
custom stubIds
task to retrieve list of collaborators for which stubs should be downloaded
Example implementation of these tasks can be found here. We’re pasting its contents below:
test {
description = "Task to run unit and integration tests"
testLogging {
exceptionFormat = 'full'
jvmArgs = systemPropsFromGradle()
exclude 'smoke/**'
exclude 'e2e/**'
task smoke(type: Test) {
description = "Task to run smoke tests"
testLogging {
exceptionFormat = 'full'
jvmArgs = systemPropsFromGradle()
include 'smoke/**'
task e2e(type: Test) {
description = "Task to run end to end tests"
testLogging {
exceptionFormat = 'full'
jvmArgs = systemPropsFromGradle()
include 'e2e/**'
task deploy(dependsOn: 'publish') {
description = "Abstraction over publishing artifacts to Artifactory / Nexus"
task groupId << {
println projectGroupId
groupId.description = "Task to retrieve Group ID"
task artifactId << {
println projectArtifactId
artifactId.description = "Task to retrieve Artifact ID"
task currentVersion << {
println projectVersion
currentVersion.description = "Task to retrieve version"
task stubIds << {
println stubrunnerIds
stubIds.description = "Task to retrieve Stub Runner IDS"
[test, smoke, e2e, deploy, groupId, artifactId, currentVersion, stubIds].each { = "Pipeline"
private List<String> systemPropsFromGradle() {
return project.gradle.startParameter.systemPropertiesArgs.entrySet().collect { "-D${it.key}=${it.value}" }
Unlike most of Spring projects this one is not available at any repository since it’s not a library, but instead it is available as a github repo for you to download and use as template for creating a deployment pipeline.
Please check out any of these links for more information or to contact us: