SpringOne Platform 2016 Replay: Let's visualize your spring boot applications

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 10, 2017 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speaker: Shin Tanimoto Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/lets-visualize-your-spring-boot-applications

In the microservice era, working with tens of hundreds of services leads to difficulties getting a grasp of the application health such as error frequency, server resources, response times and throughput. It is said visualization tools can help us command a view of the whole system and detect problems in the early stages or prevent them from occurring, but the important thing is to choose proper tools and create dashboards the right way.

This session offers techniques for visualizing microservices built by Spring Boot applications using Elasticsearch, Kibana and Spring Cloud Sleuth. Besides visualizing server resources and access logs, service dependencies and performance bottlenecks, and business statuses such as conversion rate are also visualized. Let's have fun diving into visualizing your applications.

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