Spring Session 1.3.2 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | February 12, 2018 | ...

This post was authored by Vedran Pavić

On behalf of the community I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Session 1.3.2.RELEASE. This maintenance release contains numerous bug fixes and improvements.

Some of the highlights include:

  • #951 - SessionRepositoryFilter#changeSessionId does not copy the previous maxInactiveInterval into the new session

  • #983 - Optimize HazelcastSessionRepository write operations

  • #984 - Improve session event handling

You can find the complete details of the release in the changelog.

Feedback Please

If you have feedback on this release, I encourage you to reach out via StackOverflow, GitHub Issues, or via the comments section. You can also ping Rob @rob_winch, Joe @joe_grandja, or me @vedran_pavic on Twitter.

Of course the best feedback comes in the form of contributions.

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