This Week in Spring - May 22nd, 2018

Engineering | Josh Long | May 22, 2018 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Whew! What a wild week it's been! I landed in Kiev, Ukraine, last Thursday to present at the epic JEEConf in beautiful Kiev. Then, this weekend it was off to Dublin, Ireland and Belfast, North Ireland, where I had the privilege of speaking to some of the amazing Pivotal customers (like Liberty). I concluded today here in Belfast and tomorrow it's off to bella Barcelona, Spain for the Spring I/O conference.

As usual, it's been a crazy awesome week in the Spring community so without further ado let's get to it!

  • We now have OIDC Provider Configuration support in Spring Security Master. Awesome!
  • Be sure not to miss this webinar on what's new in Spring Cloud Stream, June 7th, from Spring Cloud Stream lead Oleg Zhurakousky
  • Over on the Pivotal blog asks: "Should that be a microservice?" and gives six factors to keep in mind when making the call and cut.
  • Do you really need any more reason to go to SpringOne Platform? Do not miss this compelling invitation from Reactor project lead Stephane Maldini!
  • Visualize and Monitor your Pivotal Cloud Foundry Deployments with Weave Cloud for PCF
  • Spring Data JDBC now has support for @Table and @Column annotations thanks to @kazuki43zoo
  • Spring Data lead Oliver Gierke announced that we're extending Spring Data's JavaSlang integration with support for Try as query method return value, and encourages us to give the bits a, well, ..try
  • Spring Data legend Christoph Strobl has just announced Spring Data Lovelace M3 which includes, among other things, revised documentation, annotation based auditing for the JDBC module, synchronous and reactive transaction support in preparation for the MongoDB 4.0 release, reactive map/reduce abstractions for MongoDB, enhancements to the Lucene index support in Spring Data Gemfire and for Apache Geode, reactive pub/sub for Spring Data Redis, Kotlin extensions for Spring Data Cassandra, driver upgrades for Gemfire 9.5, Apache Geode 1.6, Lettuce 5.1 (M1), MongoDB 3.8 (beta2), MongoDB Reactive Streams 1.9 (beta1) and Cassandra 3.5, and so much more!
  • Spring Cloud Data Flow lead Dr. Mark Pollack has just announced Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.5, which includes UI Improvements,

Spring Boot 2.0, Spring Cloud Stream 2.0, and Spring Cloud Task 2.0 Support, updated application starters, metrics Improvements, nested splits for composed tasks, Kubernetes improvements, and updated File Ingest samples, and so much more!

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