Announcing Reactor Bismuth-SR10

Engineering | Simon Baslé | June 14, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the Reactor team, I have the pleasure of announcing a first shipment of Reactor goodness this week: Reactor Bismuth-SR10 is out ?

Stay tuned for a Reactor Californium milestone later this week ??‍♂️

Reactor Bismuth-SR10

The latest maintenance BOM of the 3.1.x line, Bismuth-SR10, is out. It includes two new artifacts (click on the version numbers to see the release notes on GitHub):

One update considerations though: Flux.last() used to skip throwing a NoSuchElementException on some category of empty sources (Flux or Mono that are Callable, like Flux.empty()). This is a bug and it correctly does throw now.

Otherwise, this release mainly contains backports of bugfixes from the ongoing development effort on Californium's first release in the master branch.

Change in process for backporting/fixing issues in maintenance releases

Speaking of backports: for those of you who have or are interested in contributing (❤️), note that we are about to change triage and branching strategies. Inspired by what the Spring Boot team does, we'll now:

  • affect triaged issues to a backlog milestone
  • decide at the earliest whether an issue/PR should be fixed in a maintenance branch or the current dev branch (the backlog milestone chosen will reflect that)
  • fix the issue in the earliest maintenance branch in which it is supposed to ship
  • forward-merge the root maintenance branch into master (and when we have more maintenance branches, into more recent maintenance branches as well)
  • only move issues to precise milestones (like 3.2.0.M2) once they've been merged and forwarded

This will reduce the ceremony around backporting issues (removing the need for confusing tracker issues). We believe it will also help users know wether an issue has been fixed in a maintenance version, by having the github milestone show the earliest maintenance release a fix has been shipped in. Finally, it will help while looking at the fix's code because there will now be a single reference commit for the fix (plus a merge commit that might contain adjustments necessary to make it compatible with newest breaking changes).

As we are at a point where a release just happened in both 3.1.x and master, now is a good time to implement that change in process. See #1225 for more details

Happy reactive coding!

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