java-cfenv 1.0 GA Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | March 04, 2019 | ...

The java-cfenv library is a new library for accessing Cloud Foundry Services. For Spring Boot users, it extracts service credentials from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable and sets well known Spring Boot auto-configuration properties.

You can find more about it in the 1.0 M1 release blog as well as the README.

In this release the following Cloud Foundry Services are supported

  • Databases - DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Postgresql, SqlServer

  • RabbitMQ

  • Cassandra

  • MongoDB

  • Redis

  • Pivotal Single Sign On

Of note, there is a new interface, CfEnvProcessor that simplifies what you need to write in order to provide integration with other Cloud Foundry services. The docs on supporting other services has the details.

The 1.0 release is available in maven central through the dependency


We will be releasing a 1.0.1.RELEASE shortly to fix issues in config server client configuration when using Pivotal Spring Cloud Services tile.

Thanks to Scott Frederick and David Turanski for their contributions!

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