Spring Security 5.2.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Eleftheria Stein-Kousathana | September 06, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the community, I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Security 5.2.0.RC1! You can find the complete details in the release notes and the highlights below:


gh-7360 - Add RSocket Support


gh-6019 - Add SAML Service Provider Support

OAuth 2.0

Resource server

gh-7101 - JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter allows configuring the authority prefix
gh-7100 - JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter allows configuring the authorities claim name
gh-7345 - Opaque Token Introspector returns an Authenticated Principal
gh-7346 - Add Adapter to Translate Jwt to BearerTokenAuthentication
gh-5334 and gh-7284 - Resource Server supports WebClient Bearer Token propagation


gh-7228 - Prevent null value in Context if subscribe was invoked outside of Web Context
gh-7114 - Allow configurable Clock in OAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider implementations
gh-7293 - Fix WebClient Memory Leaks
gh-7222 - Allow setting securityContextRepository for reactive OAuth2 login
gh-7051 - Allow setting authenticationFailureHandler for reactive OAuth2 login
gh-7232 - OAuth2LoginConfigurer discovers OAuth2UserService beans
gh-7339 - DefaultOAuth2UserService and OidcUserService extract authorities from scopes
gh-7122 - OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager works outside of a request
gh-6003 - Support Resource Owner Password Credentials grant


gh-6883 - JWT decoding supports multiple algorithms
gh-7290 - NimbusJwtDecoderJwkSupport supports "application/jwk-set+json" Accept header


gh-7154 - Performance enhancement: Replace internal Stream usage with for loops
gh-7155 - Performance enhancement: Remove internal Optional usage in favor of null checks
gh-5354 - Add Argon2PasswordEncoder
gh-7287 - Add Catalan localization messages


gh-7249 - Authentication mechanisms default their ServerSecurityContextRepository
gh-7166 - Expire multiple sessions if they exceed maximum number allowed
gh-7060 - Ignore multipart requests in session request cache matcher


gh-7236 - Expose getPort in ApacheDsContainer

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