Flight of the Flux 3 - Hopping Threads and Schedulers

Engineering | Simon Baslé | December 13, 2019 | ...

This blog post is the third in a series of posts that aim at providing a deeper look into Reactor’s more advanced concepts and inner workings.

In this post, we explore the threading model, how some (most) operators are concurrent agnostic, the Scheduler abstraction and how to hop from one thread to another mid-sequence with operators like publishOn.

This series is derived from the Flight of the Flux talk, which content I found to be more adapted to a blog post format.

The table below will be updated with links when the other posts are published, but here is the planned content:

  1. Assembly vs Subscription
  2. Debugging caveats
  3. Hopping Threads and Schedulers (this post)
  4. Inner workings: work stealing
  5. Inner workings: operator fusion

If you’re missing an introduction to Reactive Streams and the basic concepts of Reactor, head out to the site’s learning section and the reference guide.

Without further ado, let’s jump in:

The Threading Model

Reactor operators generally are concurrent agnostic: they don't impose a particular threading model and just run on the Thread on which their onNext method was invoked.

As we saw in the first post of this series, the Thread that executes the subscription call also has an influence: the subscribe calls are chained until a data-producing Publisher is reached (the leftmost part of the chain of operators), then this Publisher offers a Subscription through onSubscribe, in turn passed down the chain, requested, etc... By default, again, this data production process starts on the Thread that initiated the subscription.

There is a general exception to this: operators that deal with a notion of time. Any such operator will default to running timers/delays/etc... on the Schedulers.parallel() scheduler.

A few other exceptions exist that also run on this parallel() Scheduler. They can be recognized by having at least one overload that takes a Scheduler parameter.

But what is a Scheduler and why do we need it?

The Scheduler abstraction

In Reactor, a Scheduler is an abstraction that gives the user control about threading. A Scheduler can spawn Worker which are conceptually Threads, but are not necessarily backed by a Thread (we'll see an example of that later). A Scheduler also includes the notion of a clock, whereas the Worker is purely about scheduling tasks.

interface Scheduler extends Disposable {
  Disposable schedule(Runnable task);
  Disposable schedule(Runnable task, long initialDelay, TimeUnit delayUnit);
  Disposable schedulePeriodically(Runnable task, long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit);
  long now(TimeUnit unit);
  Worker createWorker();
  interface Worker extends Disposable {
    Disposable schedule(Runnable task);
    Disposable schedule(Runnable task, long initialDelay, TimeUnit delayUnit);
    Disposable schedulePeriodically(Runnable task, long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit);

Reactor comes with several default Scheduler implementations, each with its own specificity about how it manages Workers. They can be instantiated via the Schedulers factory methods. Here are rule of thumbs for their typical usage:

  • Schedulers.immediate() can be used as a null object for when an API requires a Scheduler but you don't want to change threads
  • Schedulers.single() is for one-off tasks that can be run on a unique ExecutorService
  • Schedulers.parallel() is good for CPU-intensive but short-lived tasks. It can execute N such tasks in parallel (by default N == number of CPUs)
  • Schedulers.elastic() and Schedulers.boundedElastic() are good for more long-lived tasks (eg. blocking IO tasks). The elastic one spawns threads on-demand without a limit while the recently introduced boundedElastic does the same with a ceiling on the number of created threads.

Each flavor of Scheduler has a default global instance returned by the above methods, but one can create new instances using the Schedulers.new*** factory methods (eg. Schedulers.newParallel("myParallel", 10)) to create a custom parallel Scheduler where N = 10).

The parallel flavor is backed by N workers each based on a ScheduledExecutorService. If you submit N long lived tasks to it, no more work can be executed, hence the affinity for short-lived tasks.

The elastic flavor is also backed by workers based on ScheduledExecutorService, except it creates these workers on demand and pools them. A Worker that is no longer in used is returned to the pool on dispose() and will be kept here for the configured TTL duration, so new incoming tasks may reuse idle workers. However, it keeps on creating new workers if no idle Worker is available.

The boundedElastic flavor is very similar in concept to the elastic one except it places an upper bound to the number of ScheduledExecutorService-backed Worker it creates. Past this point, its createWorker() method returns a facade Worker that will enqueue tasks instead of submitting them immediately. As soon as a concrete Worker becomes available, it is swapped with the facade and starts actually submitting tasks (making it act like you only just submitted the task, including delayed ones). Additionally, one can put a cap on the total number of deferred tasks which can be enqueued by all the facade workers of the Scheduler instance.

Are Schedulers Always Backed by an ExecutorService?

As we said above, no. We already saw an example actually: the immediate() Scheduler. This one doesn't modify which Thread the code is running on.

But there is a more useful example in the reactor-test library: the VirtualTimeScheduler. This Scheduler executes on the current Thread, but stamps all tasks submitted to it with the time at which they are supposed to be run.

It then manages a virtual clock (thanks to the fact that Scheduler also has the responsabilities of a clock) which can be manually advanced. When doing so, tasks that were queued to execute before or at the new virtual timestamp will be executed.

This is very useful in test scenarios where you have a Flux or Mono with long intervals/delays and you want to test the logic rather than the timing. For instance something like a Mono.delay(Duration.ofHours(4)) can be run in under 100ms...

One could also imagine implementing a Scheduler around a Actor system, the ForkJoinPool, upcoming Loom fibers, etc...

About the main Thread

Often, people ask about switching back and forth between a Scheduler's thread and the main thread. Going from the main to a scheduler is obviously possible, but going from an arbitrary thread to the main thread is not possible. That is plainly a Java limitation, as there is no way to submit tasks to the main thread (e.g. there's no MainThreadExecutorService).

Applying Schedulers to Operators

No that we're familiar with the building blocks of threading in Reactor, let's see how this translates in the world of operators.

We've already established that most operator continue their work on the Thread from which they were signalled, except for time-based operators (like Mono.delay, bufferTimeout(), etc...).

The philosophy of Reactor is to give you tools to do the right thing, by way of composing operators. Threading is not an exception: meet subscribeOn and publishOn.

These two operators simply take a Scheduler and will switch execution on one of that scheduler's Worker. There is of course a major difference between the two :)

The publishOn(Scheduler s) operator

This is the basic operator you need when you want to hop threads. Incoming signals from its source are published on the given Scheduler, effectively switching threads to one of that scheduler's workers.

This is valid for the onNext, onComplete and onError signals. That is, signals that flow from an upstream source to a downstream subscriber.

So in essence, every processing step that appears below this operator will execute on the new Scheduler s, until another operator switches again (eg. another publishOn).

Let's take a deliberately sketchy example with blocking calls But remember, blocking calls in a reactive chain are always sketchy! :)

Flux.fromIterable(firstListOfUrls) //contains A, B and C
    .map(url -> blockingWebClient.get(url))
    .subscribe(body -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " from first list, got " + body));

Flux.fromIterable(secondListOfUrls) //contains D and E
    .map(url -> blockingWebClient.get(url))
    .subscribe(body -> System.out.prinln(Thread.currentThread().getName + " from second list, got " + body));

In the above example, assuming this code is executed on the main thread, each Flux.fromIterable emits the content of its List on that same Thread. We then use an imperative blocking web client inside a map to fetch the body of each url, which "inherits" that thread (and thus blocks it). The data-consuming lambda in each subscribe is thus also running on the main thread.

As a consequence, all these urls are processed sequentially on the main thread:

main from first list, got A
main from first list, got B
main from first list, got C
main from second list, got D
main from second list, got E

If we introduce publishOn, we can make this code more performant, so that the Flux don't block each other:

Flux.fromIterable(firstListOfUrls) //contains A, B and C
    .map(url -> blockingWebClient.get(url))
    .subscribe(body -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " from first list, got " + body));

Flux.fromIterable(secondListOfUrls) //contains D and E
    .map(url -> blockingWebClient.get(url))
    .subscribe(body -> System.out.prinln(Thread.currentThread().getName + " from second list, got " + body));

Which could give us something like the following output:

boundedElastic-1 from first list, got A
boundedElastic-2 from second list, got D
boundedElastic-1 from first list, got B
boundedElastic-2 from second list, got E
boundedElastic-1 from first list, got C

First list and second list are interleaved now, great !

The subscribeOn(Scheduler s) operator

In the preceding example we saw how publishOn could be used to offset blocking work on a separate Thread, by switching the publication of the triggers for that blocking work (the urls to fetch) on a provided Scheduler.

Since the map operator runs on its source thread, switching that source thread by putting a publishOn before the map works as intended.

But what if that url-fetching method was written by somebody else, and they regrettably forgot to add the publishOn? Is there a way to influence the Thread upstream?

In a way, there is. That's where subscribeOn can come in handy.

This operator changes where the subscribe method is executed. And since the subscribe signal flows upward, it directly influences where the source Flux subscribes and starts generating data.

As a consequence, it can seem to act on the parts of the reactive chain of operators upward and downward (as long as there is no publishOn thrown in the mix):

//code provided in library you have no write access to
final Flux<String> fetchUrls(List<String> urls) {
  return Flux.fromIterable(urls)
    .map(url -> blockingWebClient.get(url)); //oops!

//your code:
fetchUrls(A, B, C)
  .subscribe(body -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName + " from first list, got " + body));

fetchUrls(D, E)
  .subscribe(body -> System.out.prinln(Thread.currentThread().getName + " from second list, got " + body));

Like in our second publishOn example, that code will correctly output something like:

boundedElastic-1 from first list, got A
boundedElastic-2 from second list, got D
boundedElastic-1 from first list, got B
boundedElastic-2 from second list, got E
boundedElastic-1 from first list, got C

So what happened?

The subscribe calls are still running on the main thread, but they propagate a subscribe signal to their source, subscribeOn. In turn subscribeOn propagates that same signal to its own source from fetchUrls, but on a boundedElastic Worker.

In the Flux sequence returned by fetchUrls, the map is subscribed on the boundedElastic worker thread, and so is the range. The range starts generating data, still on the boundedElastic worker thread.

This continues down the data path, each subscriber executing onNext on its source thread, the boundedElastic one.

At last, the lambdas configured in the subscribe(...) call are also executed on the boundedElastic thread.


It is important to distinguish the act of subscribing and the lambda passed to the subscribe() method. This method subscribes to its source Flux, but the lambda are executed at the end of processing, when the data has flown through all the steps (including steps that hop to another thread),.

So the Thread on which the lambda is executed might be different from the subscription Thread , ie. the thread on which the subscribe method is called.

And if we were the author of the fetchUrls library, we could make the code even more performant by letting each fetch run on its own Worker, by leveraging subscribeOn in a slightly different way:

final Flux<String> betterFetchUrls(List<String> urls) {
  return Flux.fromIterable(urls)
    .flatMap(url -> 
             //wrap the blocking call in a Mono
             Mono.fromCallable(() -> blockingWebClient.get(url))
             //ensure that Mono is subscribed in an boundedElastic Worker
    ); //each individual URL fetch runs in its own thread!

And What If I Mix the Two?

subscribeOn will act throughout the subscribe phase, from bottom to top, then on the data path until it encounters a publishOn (or a time based operator).

Let's consider the following example:

    .doOnNext(v -> System.out.println("just " + Thread.currentThread().getName()))
    .doOnNext(v -> System.out.println("publish " + Thread.currentThread().getName()))
    .subscribe(v -> System.out.println(v + " delayed " + Thread.currentThread().getName()));

This will print:

just elastic-1
publish boundedElastic-1
hello delayed parallel-1

We should unpack what happened step by step:

  • Here subscribe is called on the main thread, but subscription is rapidly switched to the elastic scheduler due to the subscribeOn immediately above.
  • All the operators above it are also subscribed on elastic, from bottom to top.
  • just emits its value on the elastic scheduler.
  • the first doOnNext receives that value on the same thread and prints it out: just elastic-1
  • then on the top to bottom data path, we encounter the publishOn: data from doOnNext is propagated downstream on the boundedElastic scheduler.
  • the second doOnNext receives its data on boundedElastic and prints publish bounderElastic-1 accordingly.
  • delayElements is a time operator, so by default it publishes data on the Schedulers.parallel() scheduler.
  • on the data path, subscribeOn does nothing but propagating signal on the same thread.
  • on the data path, the lambda(s) passed to subscribe(...) are executed on the thread in which data signals are received, so the lambda prints hello delayed parallel-1


In this article, we’ve learned about the Scheduler abstraction and how it enables advanced usage like the VirtualTimeScheduler.

We then have learned how to switch threads (or rather Scheduler workers) in the middle of a reactive sequence, and what is the difference between publishOn and subscribeOn.

In the next instalment, we’ll dig deeper in the innards of the library to describe some optimizations that are in place to ensure Reactor's performance.

In the meantime, happy reactive coding!

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