Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to yet another installment of This Week in Spring! It's been a very nice week indeed. I've been knee-deep in finishing my book, writing more code to support the A Bootiful Podcast production pipeline, and meeting amazing people in the new VMWare organization, and beyond. I've also been working on some new Spring Tips videos - what would you like to see covered, my friends?
We've got a lot of good stuff this week, so let's get to it!

- In last week's installment of A Bootiful Podcast, I talked to Oleg Šelajev on ZeroTurnaround, GraalVM, the vJUG and so much more
- Spring Security 4.2.14 Released
- Spring Security 5.2.2, 5.1.8 and 5.0.14 Released
- Spring Security 5.3.0.RC1 Released
- Oh, btw, did you know that the BOM and some choice starters for the Alibaba integrations for Spring are now available on the Spring Initializr?
- I published my monthly digest This Month in Spring over on the Pivotal blog, as usual.
- The Simplest Way to Deploy Spring Boot with PostgreSQL on AWS
- Mutation Testing: Case Studies on Spring Boot APIs
- What is Spring Framework? From Dependency Injection to Web MVC
- You can call an RSocket service from WebAssembly now, too. Did you know Spring Framework (and Spring Boot!) has fantastic RSocket support?
- People seem to have enjoyed my introduction to the Reactive Revolution in Australia in November, 2019, and you might too
- You can now use several of the Alibaba starters on the Spring Initializer!