Spring Modulith 0.4 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | February 24, 2023 | ...

Dear Spring community, I am excited to announce the release of Spring Modulith 0.4. The release ships with the following new features:

  • A new Scenario API to allow the concise definition of integration tests for application modules, specifically tailored around the idea of them integrating via asynchronously handled, transaction bound events.
  • A new starter that allows to pull in the runtime support in a concise way, primarily to ease the usage of ApplicationModuleInitializers (GH-132).
  • The event publication registry now returns uncompleted events in ascending order of their publication dates (GH-133) and provides better logging (GH-125).
  • A few tiny optimizations in our documentation generation support, especially if the UML style is for component diagrams (GH-130, GH-140, GH-141).
  • Infrastructure upgrades to the latest versions of Spring Boot, ArchUnit and Structurizr.

Find a complete change log in the GitHub release page. We are looking forward to your feedback in the GitHub discussions.

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