Spring Integration 6.2 goes GA!

Releases | Artem Bilan | November 22, 2023 | ...

Dear Spring community,

On behalf of Spring Integration team, it is my pleasure to announce 6.2.0 version which is available from Maven Central.

In addition, bug fixes version 6.1.5 has been released as well into Maven Central.

The last Open Source 5.5.20 and 6.0.9 releases are also available and everyone is encouraged to update if you cannot migrate to the latest greatest 6.2.0.

The notable changes in 6.2:

  • The documentation migrated to Antora site generator and hosted alongside with other migrated Spring projects here

  • Project CrAC support with some internal changes to close resources on components stop

  • Virtual threads support with respective TaskExecutor injections and synchronized blocks to Lock

  • The project build lifecycle is now connected to Gradle Enterprise, so every one contributing can now benefit from remote shared cache for Gradle tasks

  • The LockRegistry interface provides a template-like executeLocked() API:

 registry.executeLocked("someLockKey", () -> someExclusiveResourceCall());
  • The remote files channel adapters ((S)FTP, SMB) now can be configured with their specific AbstractLastModifiedFileListFilter<F> implementation

  • The custom SftpClient can now be configured on extension of the DefaultSftpSessionFactory via overridden createSftpClient() method.

  • Debezium Inbound Channel Adapter to tail transactional logs from databases

  • The spring-integration-security module has been fully deprecated in favor of respective utilities in spring-security-messaging module. See more information in the Spring Integration Security documentation

Many thanks to everyone contributed!

See What's New in the documentation and don't forget about a Migration Guide.


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