Spring Functions Catalog 5.0.0‐M1 Available

Releases | Artem Bilan | March 01, 2024 | ...

On behalf of Spring Cloud Dataflow team, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Spring Functions Catalog. The project's primary focus is to provide a set of standalone Java functions that can be useful in the end-user applications as-is. All the published artifacts are, essentially, auto-configurations for some specific Supplier, Function or Consumer.

We have just released 5.0.0-M1 into https://repo.spring.io/milestone repository, and all you need is to include this BOM into your Gradle (or Maven) configuration:


and choose respective function as dependency for your project.

The Spring Functions Catalog is a rebranding (and next generation) of the functions sub-module of Stream Applications project. That's why we chose a version as 5.0 from the start since all the functions in this project do the same what they have in Stream Applications. Therefore, the next our natural step is to migrate Stream Applications to use this new Spring Functions Catalog.

However, the goal of Spring Functions Catalog is not only to feed Stream Applications. Because all of them are independent artifacts of an auto-configuration for a single Supplier, Function or Consumer with specific job to do, these functions can simply be added into classpath and used in the target project as-is or composed with other tasks. Most of these functions provide an auto-configuration for specific Spring Integration Channel Adapter.

Here are just a few examples:

  • the sftpSupplier connects to a SFTP server and polls files from a remote directory and "supplies" the files to your application
  • the kafkaPublisher (the java.util.function.Consumer implementation) produces records into an Apache Kafka topic
  • the aggregatorFunction groups multiple inputs into one according to some correlation key

After being auto-configured into the ApplicationContext, these function can be injected into to the target service and composed with plain Java API (see Function.andThen(Function)). However, better (and more natural for Spring applications) way is to use Spring Cloud Function project capabilities. For example, the FunctionFlowBuilder from Spring Cloud Function Integration module can be used to compose an IntegrationFlow for any complex solution. Another way is to compose them by names via spring.cloud.function.definition configuration property.

As a proof of concept the time-spel-log sample in the project repository has these dependencies:

implementation 'org.springframework.cloud.fn:spring-time-supplier'
implementation 'org.springframework.cloud.fn:spring-spel-function'
implementation 'org.springframework.cloud.fn:spring-log-consumer'

The application.yml has this property:

      definition: timeSupplier|spelFunction|logConsumer

The application logic is just like this:

@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000)
void scheduleFunctionCall() {

Where composedFunction is a Runnable from FunctionCatalog and it is that mentioned above composition in the application.yml. The application emits into logs the current time after some transformation every second.

Give Spring Functions Catalog a shot, and any feedback or contribution are welcome!

From here we are heading for RC1 in the end of March and GA in April.

See more information in GitHub repository for Spring Functions Catalog.

Cheers, + Artem

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