This Week in Spring - December 5th, 2017
Hi Spring fans and welcome to This Week in Spring from the premier JVM-language event SpringOne Platform 2017! There is a massive amount of stuff to cover, especially in light of SpringOne Platform, so let's get to it!
- Spring Cloud co-founder Spencer Gibb just announced Spring Cloud Finchley M5
- Spring Tools lead Martin Lippert just announced the first previews of Spring Tool Suite 4 and the new IDE-agnostic language servers. Also, I did a special (and early!) Spring Tip that looked at these topics.
- Spring Batch lead Michael Minella just announced Spring Batch 4.0.0
- Dr. Dave Syer has updated the Spring Security and Angular_ and Spring Boot and OAuth tutorials
- Spring ninja Greg Turnquist just announced Spring Session updates for Core, MongoDB, and Apache Geode.
- Spring Cloud Data Flow lead and co-founder Dr. Mark Pollack just announced Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.3.0.M3…