Secure Data Binding With Grails

Engineering | Jeff Scott Brown | March 28, 2012 | ...


The Grails Framework provides a lot of tools and techniques to web application developers to simplify solving common application development challenges.

Among those are a number of things which simplify the complicated and tedious problems often associated with data binding. In general, data binding is made very simple by Grails as it offers several techniques for binding maps of data to graphs of objects.

It is important that application developers understand the implications of each of those techniques in order to decide which is most appropriate and most secure for any given use case.

Web Application Data Binding Overview

A really common task for many web applications is for the application to accept a set of http request parameters and bind those parameters to an object. The object then might be stored in the database, used to perform some kind of calculation or used carry out some kind of application logic. In a Grails application some of that is often carried out in a controller action and the data is often being bound to a domain object.

Consider a domain class which looks something like this:

Code Listing 1

class Employee {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    BigDecimal salary

There might be…

This Week in Spring: March 20th, 2012

Engineering | Adam Fitzgerald | March 20, 2012 | ...

Hello and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got some great stuff to look at, so let's get to it.

  1. 	Want to use SpringSource Tool Suite on the <a href = "">latest Eclipse Juno (4.2) milestone builds</A>? 
    	SpringSource Tool Suite lead Martin Lippert has got the answer for you.
    <LI> Michal Borek  has a great blog post on how to use the <a href = ""><CODE>ConversionService</CODE> in Spring 3.0+ to convert uploaded file data into a domain object</A>. First, this is a <EM>really</EM> cool idea. Second, users should be…

Early Access: SpringSource Tool Suite for Eclipse Juno (4.2)

Engineering | Martin Lippert | March 14, 2012 | ...

Wanna use the SpringSource Tool Suite on the latest Eclipse Juno (4.2) milestone builds? Here you go: :-)

How to install

The necessary dependencies for STS are all available from the composite update site:, if you wanna add something manually.

Managing update sites yourself

Here are the individual update sites from which you can install STS, AJDT and Groovy-Eclipse for Juno (4.2):

Known limitations

Since the Eclipse Juno distribution is based on the Eclipse 4.x stream, you will notice quite some changes on the UI when starting the latest Eclipse Juno builds. And we haven't yet adapted to all changes, therefore the Maven support of STS (for example) is not yet working. If you observe anything else, please let us know.


This is an early access version of STS that is continually updated by our CI servers. If you observe problems running STS on top of your Eclipse Juno (4.2) M5 (or later) installation, please let us know and report issues to: Since we are planning towards a distribution on top of Eclipse Juno for STS 3.0, we would be very happy to hear your opinion about that and gather feedback as early as possible.


We are planning towards an STS 3.0 release right after the Eclipse Juno release in July 2012, providing ready-to-go-distributions of STS based on Eclipse Juno.

This Week in Spring: March 6th, 2012

Engineering | Adam Fitzgerald | March 07, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. There is a lot to look at this week with much of the excitement around the just released Spring for Apache Hadoop project, which provides a very, very powerful Spring API integration for Apache Hadoop, an open source framework originally designed to support map-reduce style batch processing solutions.

  1. Costin Leau kicked things off with the announcement of Spring for Apache Hadoop 1.0.0.M1 last week. I can't explain it any better than Costin does, so I won't bother. From his post:
    Whether one is writing stand-alone, vanilla MapReduce applications, interacting with data from multiple data stores across the enterprise, or coordinating a complex workflow of HDFS, Pig, or Hive jobs, or anything in between, Spring for Apache Hadoop stays true to the Spring philosophy offering a simplified programming model and addresses "accidental complexity" caused by the infrastructure.
    What are you waiting for? Go! Check it out! When you're done, you might check out the other coverage of the event, as well. As you might expect, a lot of people blogged about it, too.
    <LI> What are you guys doing in two days, on March 8th, 2012? I'll be at the Native Android Development with Spring for Android webinar that introduces native Android development practices, resource management and the Spring for Android integration library, which makes the whole process more natural for developers that wish to interface with services on the server side. 
    	 There are, as usual, two editions, one <a href= "">for North America</A> and <a href = "">one for Europe</A>. Don't miss it! 

Introducing Spring Integration Scala DSL

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | March 05, 2012 | ...


The Spring Integration team is happy to announce the first milestone release (1.0.0.M1) of the Spring Integration Scala DSL - one of the newest additions to Spring Integration portfolio.
What is the Spring Integration Scala DSL?

The Spring Integration Scala DSL is a Domain Specific Language written in Scala with the goals of:

    • providing a strongly-typed alternative to XML configuration for Spring Integration
    • raising awareness about Spring Integration in Scala community
    • providing first class integration with various Scala frameworks and products such as Akka
    • providing seamless integration with Java where Scala developers can still leverage their existing Java investments

One thing we would like to point out is that the Spring Integration Scala DSL is not itself a new EIP framework. Rather, it's a Scala-based DSL that sits on top of the Java-based Spring Integration framework, and, in the first milestone, the DSL itself still relies heavily on Java types from the Spring Integration API. However, as it progresses through subsequent milestones, the DSL will evolve to become increasingly Scala-esque. We do believe that such close integration with the existing…

This Week in Spring, February 28, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | February 29, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. We've got a lot of good stuff to look at, as usual.

  Since you&#39;re here, though, let&#39;s talk about the <a href="" target="_blank">Cloud Foundry Open Tour</a>, which is an event bringing the industry&#39;s best talent and speakers on Spring, Cloud Foundry, and much more  to a town near you in America, Asia and Europe.  The full itinerary&#39;s provided on the linked page, but if you&#39;re in (or near) Shanhai, Beijing, Tokyo, London, Moscow, Kiev, San Francisco, Portland, Austin, and Washington D.C., then you should not  miss this event - <a href="http://opentour…

Introducing Spring for Apache Hadoop

Engineering | Costin Leau | February 29, 2012 | ...

I am happy to announce that the first milestone release (1.0.0.M1) for Spring for Apache Hadoop project is available and talk about some of the work we have been doing over the last few months. Part of the Spring Data umbrella, Spring for Apache Hadoop provides support for developing applications based on Apache Hadoop technologies by leveraging the capabilities of the Spring ecosystem. Whether one is writing stand-alone, vanilla MapReduce applications, interacting with data from multiple data stores across the enterprise, or coordinating a complex workflow of HDFS, Pig, or Hive jobs, or…

This Week in Spring, February 21st, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | February 22, 2012 | ...

Wow! Another week's come and gone, and, as usual, a lot of great content's been created for the community, and often by the community. Let's get to it!

	<LI> First, the big news: <a href ="">Spring Framework 3.1.1's Been Released</A>!  
	   The first maintenance release in the Spring 3.1.x line is now available via Maven Central, the <a href="">SpringSource repository</a>, or for direct download from our <a target="_blank" href=";version=3.1.1.RELEASE">community download page</a>.  This release includes many <a href="…

This Week in Spring: February 14th, 2012

Engineering | Adam Fitzgerald | February 15, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. Lot's of good content to go over, this week, so let's get to it.

Also: if you're in Stockholm, Sweden attending the JFokus Java conference, be sure to stop by the VMWare booth to say hi or have your questions answered about Spring, Cloud Foundry, and vFabric.

  1. Alan Stewart has announced the release of Spring Roo 1.2.1, which includes fixes for multi-module Maven projects, huge performance enhancements, and updated support for PrimeFaces 3.1 and Google App Engine 1.6.2.
    <LI> Oliver Gierke has announced that <a href = "">JPA 1.1.0 RC1 and 1.0.3 GA have been released</a>. Among the many new features, the release includes support for locking, 
    	 <code>@IdClass</code> in entities,
    	Support for <code>LessThanEqual</code> and  <code>GreaterThanEquals</code>, <code>True</code>/<code>False</code> keywords in query methods…

Spring Roo 1.2.1.RELEASE available

Engineering | Alan Stewart | February 11, 2012 | ...

The Spring Roo team is pleased to announce the availability 1.2.1.RELEASE.  This is the first maintenance release for 1.2 and includes fixes for a number of issues in multi-module Maven support and JSF/PrimeFaces.  It also has  performance enhancements and has been updated to support the recent release of PrimeFaces 3.1 and Google App Engine 1.6.2.

Please note that to keep the distribution size small we have not included the reference documentation in the zip for this and future releases. The documentation, as always,  can be found on the Spring Roo site.



Spring Roo Project Lead

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