This week in Spring: February 22nd, 2011
What a week! Lots of good, foundational content available this week from, and for, the community. Let's get right to it.
- Chris Beams blogged about the upcoming FeatureSpecification support in Spring 3.1 Feature Specifications provide the same features as the XML namespace infrastructure elements, like <tx:annotation-driven>, in a Java configuration-centric way. This is a very powerful feature, and this blog post is the best way to get started.
- SpringSource Tool Suite lead Christian Dupuis - tweets that users can now download STS without submitting to the registration form. Very cool!
- Glyn Normington has just announced the Eclipse Virgo 3.0.0.M01 release is now available for download. The new version features tighter integration with the Eclipse stack, including the Eclipse Virgo Jetty…
<li> <a href="">Rossen Stoyanchev</a> continues the whirlwind introduction to the new features in Spring 3.1, this time with a look at the MVC namespace and @Configuration-based improvements. </li>
<li> Can't get enough Spring?
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