Spring Cloud Stream - and Spring Integration.

Engineering | Artem Bilan | October 25, 2019 | ...

If you listened to Oleg Zhurakousky's talk at Spring One Platform 2019 about Spring Cloud Stream & Functions or read his recent blog posts about Simplified Spring Cloud Stream and Functional Spring Cloud Stream, you may want to say: "Wait! What happened with Spring Integration support? What do I now do with my @ServiceActivator or IntegrationFlow? I used to deal with the Sink.input() as a channel to consume binder destination with some Spring Integration logic!" As Oleg mentions in his blog post, it is still possible with existing @EnableBinding and so on, but we are moving away from that…

The Reactive Revolution at SpringOne Platform 2019 (part 2/N)

Engineering | Josh Long | October 22, 2019 | ...

Last year right in the middle of SpringOne Platform 2018, I posted the first post in this series, _ The Reactive Revolution at SpringOne Platform 2018 (part 1/N)_, which looked at some of the big features we'd just dropped at SpringOne Platform 2018. I wanted to follow up and revisit that blog and the concepts I'd introduced last year, and show just how far we've come in the intervening year. TL;DR: things are much easier!


Last year, we announced our work on trying to support a standard for reactive SQL data access with a new project called R2DBC. Traditional approaches to SQL data…

This Week in Spring - October 22nd, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | October 22, 2019 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! What a week! I've just returned from Prague, the Czech Republic, where I was for the epic Geecon Prague 2019 event. (Thanks for voting my talk on Reactive Spring the #1 talk, Prague!). Now I'm in Nantes, France, the DevFest Nantes show. I'd never been to Prague and I've never been to Nantes. So how's that for cool first-time appearances in one week? I'll be speaking about testing here. Tonight I fly to Paris, Fr, for customer meetings. Then I fly on Thursday to St. Petersburg, Russia, for the Joker conference, where I'll be presenting on testing and I'll be co-presenting with…

Spring Cloud Stream - functional and reactive

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | October 17, 2019 | ...

In the previous post, I tried to provide justification for our shift to a functional programming model in Spring Cloud Stream (SCSt). It's less code, less configuration. Most importantly, though, your code is completely decoupled and independent from the internals of SCSt.

In this post, I’ll dig a little deeper and summarize the core features of our functional support, specifically around its reactive features.

IMPORTANT: Anything you can do with @StreamListener/@EnableBinding you can also do without it. In other words, the functional support is now feature-compatible with the annotation-based support.

Simple Event Driven Microservices with Spring Cloud Stream

Engineering | Ben Wilcock | October 15, 2019 | ...

Event driven architecture is great. But without a framework, writing the scaffolding required to work with popular event messaging platforms can be messy. In this post we'll take a look at how Spring Cloud Stream can be used to simplify your code.

The Problem

You just want to write logic for your event driven application, but the boilerplate messaging code can get in the way. Connecting your apps to messaging services is tricky, and if you're an enterprise developer, you probably need to work with multiple messaging technologies (either on-premises or in the cloud).

The Solution

Let a flexible messaging abstraction take care of the complex messaging platform integration so you can concentrate on writing simple clean business logic. Spring Cloud Stream is a great candidate. It unifies lots of popular messaging platforms behind one easy to use API including RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis, Google PubSub, Solace PubSub+, Azure Event Hubs, and Apache RocketMQ. It even smoothes away any subtle…

This Week in Spring - October 14th, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | October 15, 2019 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! WHEW! What a week! Last week was the insane SpringOne Platform 2019 event, from which I am still recovering! Then I flew home, hosted Spring team member and Micrometer lead and friend Tommy Ludwig in San Francisco, and prepared to fly out for meetings and user group appearances on Monday (in Stuttgart, Germany) and Tuesday (in Amsterdam).

I prepared, and got into the Uber going to San Francisco airport when I got a call from my brother saying my 81-year-old dad wasn't doing well (thanks to everyone for the well-wishes!) and was rushed to the hospital. I had to, regretfully…

Spring Cloud Stream - demystified and simplified

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | October 14, 2019 | ...

This is the first post in a series of blog posts meant to clarify and preview what's coming in the upcoming releases of spring-cloud-stream and spring-cloud-function (both 3.0.0).

Recently, I had a discussion with a user and heard something that prompted me to begin a series of blog posts (starting with this one) with the goal of both demystifying the true goals of Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Function projects as well as demonstrating their new features.

Spring Integration Wrapper?

The specific phrase that prompted all this was - "Spring Cloud Stream, being a light Spring Integration input/output router. . .”. That's an interesting perception, but I have to disagree. While it may have been inspired by Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) and builds on top of Spring Integration (SI), that last part is really just an implementation detail. Spring Cloud Stream (SCSt) as a framework was never about "being a light Spring Integration input/output router"

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