Announcing the release of Spring Cloud Stream Horsham (3.0.0.RELEASE)
We are pleased to announce the release of the Spring Cloud Stream Horsham (3.0.0.RELEASE) release train which is available as part of Spring Cloud Hoxton.RELEASE (imminent) and builds on Spring Boot 2.2.x and Spring Cloud Function 3.0.0.RELEASE which was also just released.
Spring Cloud Stream Horsham.RELEASE modules are available for use in the Maven Central repository.
Quick highlights:
As mentioned in these posts (demystified and simplified, functional and reactive, stream and spring Integration and event routing) preceding this announcement, the core theme of this release is functions!.
Historically, Spring Cloud Stream exposed annotation-based configuration model that required the user to be aware of and provide considerable amount of boilerplate information that could be otherwise easily inferred. You can read more details about it here…