Pivotal Recognized in DZone’s 2014 Guide to Enterprise Integration

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 12, 2014 | ...

We are very excited to be recognized as the marketshare leader for the ESB and lightweight integration framework markets in DZone’s 2014 Guide to Enterprise Integration, a premium resource focused on enterprise integration and API management trends, strategies, and tools. The guide includes topic introductions, expert opinions, best practices, and solution comparisons. Readers of the guide will get an overview of enterprise integration and learn about obstacles that developers are facing to create seamless integration. Topics covered by the guide include:

  • The role of message queues, middleware, and ESBs in the enterprise.
  • Decomposition patterns for breaking down monolithic architecture.
  • A model for understanding the maturity level of REST APIs.
  • A forecast of how building a large project with multiple integrations might look in the future.

DZone’s Enterprise Integration guide also offers key insights into integration and API management practices through a survey of 500+ developers and experts, allowing readers to learn trends from practitioners in the technology professional community. Additionally, the guide’s solutions directory compares different API management platforms, integration suites, ESBs, message queues, and integration frameworks to help readers wisely choose the solutions they need.

Readers can download a free copy of the guide here.

About DZone

DZone provides expert research and learning communities for developers, tech professionals, and smart people everywhere. DZone has been a trusted, global source of content for over 15 years.

About Spring Integration 4.1 GA release

Releasing on the same day as the DZone research, Spring Integration 4.1 GA offers 1st class Spring Framework 4.1, Java 8, WebSocket support. Longtime users will enjoy the new built-in EIP patterns, Redis Queue Gateway support. Most importantly, check out the soon-to-be-released Java DSL - very exciting. Rabbit users will also discover that Spring AMQP 1.4 GA makes full use of Spring Framework 4.1, and offers Rabbit messaging enhancements.

Learn more about Spring Integration 4.1 GA

SpringOne2GX 2014 Keynote Day 1 - Platform Reinvented

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 10, 2014 | ...

Platform Reinvented

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014

Speakers: Hugh Williams, Juergen Hoeller, Dave Syer, Andy Glover (NetFlix), Graeme Rocher


Link to Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-one2gx-2014keynotev8
!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/xU267-YHN5c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

SpringOne2GX 2014 Keynote Day 2 - Platform Reinvented

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 10, 2014 | ...

Platform Reinvented

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014

Speakers: Juergen Hoeller, Mark Fisher, Dave Syer, Jon Brisbin

Link to Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/springone2gx-2014


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SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Gaining Application Lifecycle Intelligence

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 10, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014 in Dallas, TX.

Speaker: Damien Dallimore, Splunk

Today we are facing an ever-increasing speed of product delivery. DevOps practices like continuous integration and deployment increase the dependence of systems like task tracking and source code repositories with build servers and test suites. With data moving rapidly through these different tools, it becomes challenging to maintain a grasp of the process, especially as the data is distributed and in a variety of formats. But it is still critical to maintain full visibility of the product development journey – from user stories to production data. By starting at the beginning of the Product Development Lifecycle, you can track a problem in production all the way back to the code that was checked into the build and the developer responsible for the code. In this session I'll demonstrate some of the ways in which Splunk software can be used to collect and correlate data throughout the various stages of the lifecycle of your code, to ultimately make you more efficient and make your code better.

Link to Slides:http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/gaining-application-lifecycle-intelligence
!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/v2xNJGefxx4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Living in the Matrix with Bytecode Manipulation

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 09, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014

Speaker: Ashley Puls, New Relic

With Spring and Hibernate on your stack, your application's bytecode is likely enhanced or manipulated at runtime. This session examines three common byte code manipulation frameworks: ASM, CGLib, and Javassist (Java Programming Assistant). We will discuss how these tools work and why frameworks like Spring use them. You will learn enough to begin integrating these frameworks directly into your own code.

Link to Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/bytecode-spring2gx2014
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SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Tuning Large Scale Java Platforms

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 09, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speakers: Emad Benjamin, Jamie O'Meara

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/tuning-large-scale-java-platforms

The session will cover various GC tuning techniques, in particular focus on tuning large scale JVM deployments. Come to this session to learn about GC tuning recipe that can give you the best configuration for latency sensitive applications. While predominantly most enterprise class Java workloads can fit into a scaled-out set of JVM instances of less than 4GB JVM heap, there are workloads in the in memory database space that require fairly large JVMs. In this session we take a deep dive into the issues and the optimal tuning configurations for tuning large JVMs in the range of 4GB to 128GB. In this session the GC tuning recipe shared is a refinement from 15 years of GC engagements and an adaptation in recent years for tuning some of the largest JVMs in the industry using plain HotSpot and CMS GC policy. You should be able to walk away with the ability to commence a decent GC tuning exercise on your own. The session does summarize the techniques and the necessary JVM options needed to accomplish this task. Naturally when tuning large scale JVM platforms, the underlying hardware tuning cannot be ignored, hence the session will take detour from the traditional GC tuning talks out there and dive into how you optimally size a platform for enhanced memory consumption. Lastly, the session will also cover Pivotal Application Fabric reference architecture where a comprehensive performance study was done.

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Webinar Replay: Security for Microservices with Spring and OAuth2

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 07, 2014 | ...

Speaker: Dave Syer

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/syer-microservicesecurity

OAuth2 is a lightweight security protocol that is well-suited for use with HTTP, the protocol at the heart of many modern architectures. Spring Security OAuth2 has a load of new features, not the least of which being the `@Configuration` support in version 2.0. Combine these with Spring Boot and you have a platform which can get you a secure HTTP service application in about 20 lines of code. This presentation shows how the combination of rapid development and production-ready features in the modern Spring stack are a perfect mixture for developing secure components in a system composed of microservices. We explore the new features in Spring OAuth2, guide you through the choice of which to use and when, and show how easy they are to enable quickly.

Learn more about Spring Security OAUTH: http://projects.spring.io/spring-security-oauth

Learn more about Spring Cloud: http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud


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Webinar Replay: Building “Bootful” UIs with Spring Boot and Vaadin

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 04, 2014 | ...

Speaker: Josh Long, Pivotal and Peter Lehto, Vaadin

It's been a long day, but you've done it: you've got a Spring Boot powered backend and now you need to build the UI that'll power the workforce and deliver next week. Vaadin, a UI framework that marries the ease of use of server-side Java and the rich, dynamic nature of client-side JavaScript, integrates well with Spring Boot and offers UI polish that would be hard to secure any other way. Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long and Vaadin evangelists for a look at how Vaadin and Spring Boot can get you to production quicker, and easier.

Learn more about Spring Boot http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot

Learn more about Vaadin http://www.vaadin.com


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Webinar Replay: Content-enabled Web and Mobile Applications with Spring, Groovy and Crafter

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 30, 2014 | ...

Conquering Content-enabled Web and Mobile Applications with Spring and Groovy

Speaker: Russ Danner - Crafter Software

Rich media and digital content are an integral part of nearly all Web and mobile applications today, but the growing number of platforms, changing business demands and time to market are a major concern. Join this session to learn modern practices for building content-enabled Web and mobile apps. We will uncover common challenges faced by content and application teams, explain how these problems are solved by simple, powerful tools and the right architecture. We'll also demonstrate how leading organizations such as AT&T, Marriott, and Harvard Business Publishing have succeeded by leveraging Spring Framework, Groovy and other leading Java development technologies along with content management frameworks to build and manage content rich applications.

Learn more about Crafter Software http://www.craftersoftware.com


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Pivotal at Spring eXchange 2014 in London, UK

News | Pieter Humphrey | October 29, 2014 | ...

Are you heading to Spring eXchange in London over November 6th-7th?

In just under a week, Spring experts will join hundreds of Spring enthusiasts for two days of learning and sharing skills in Spring. Topics covered will include Big Data and Spring XD, Spring Data, REST, and microservices and modern architecture. There will be a strong presence of Pivotal experts, amongst a star-studded line-up. See below for some Pivotal speakers and talks to look out for.

Head to the programme page for more details and the complete speaker list. To book your place and guarantee a seat, head to the booking page here. Pivotal is sponsoring Spring eXchange, so reach out to us on Twitter @springcentral #springx to get in touch during the conference! 

SPECIAL OFFER for London Java Community members: Want to be a guest for our Pivotal Speakers at Spring eXchange 2014 and get a free ticket to the show? We will offer them to the first 15 LJC members who tweet us at @springcentral and @cloudfoundry with the URL of a deployed Spring application on Pivotal Web Services. First come, first serve, we have 15 tickets for our 15 speakers! We will verify winners by looking at the URL for the Spring app, and looking you up for membership in the London Java Community on meetup.com if you win, so make sure you have a meetup.com profile and are a member!

10:00 AM

  • Dr. David Syer
  • What's New in Spring
  • In the opening Keynote of the Spring eXchange 2014, Dave Syer recounts the recent developments in the Spring ecosystem, going back about 12 months or so. Spring is fun again and all the cool kids all want to play with it since Spring Boot hit the streets in 2013. Looking at this in the context of Spring IO and Spring Cloud, Dave will also cover recent updates to Foundation projects like Spring 4.1 and 4.2, Spring Batch 3.0, Spring Integration 4.1 and Spring Data Evans, plus Execution layer projects like Spring XD for Big Data and Grails for full-stack web applications. You will be surprised and pleased to see how easy it is to build applications and services and to glue them together into distributed systems, especially if you haven't used Spring, or haven't seen it recently.

10:45 AM

  • Mark Pollack
  • Big Data, Little Time : Taking the Complexity out of creating Big Data applications
  • Creating Big Data applications is a relatively new art and developing a comprehensive solution can be challenging. Some of the key challenges arise from bringing together complex domains such as stream analysis, batch workflow orchestration and data import and export. Furthermore, building such applications normally requires stitching together disparate products. Spring XD is a new project that aims to tackle big data complexity. It builds upon proven Spring technologies to tie together these domains and provide a scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime environment. You do not need to be a Java developer to get started. A simple DSL lets you build complex stream and job definitions that includes the scoring of machine learning algorithms in just a few simple steps.
  • Brian Clozel, Stephane Nicoll
  • Getting started with Spring
  • Spring is much more than a single framework - it is a rich ecosystem with multiple projects, all helping to build modern applications. But all this can be a bit intimidating for Spring beginners. Stéphane Nicoll and Brian Clozel will walk you through the core concepts and thought model behind the Spring Framework; they’ll cover the main aspects of the Framework, but also introduce you to key features in other Spring projects, including the latest Spring IO platform. After this session, you’ll leave with a common approach for all Spring portfolio projects and all the keys to successfully start with Spring in 2014.

12:00 PM

  • Stuart Williams
  • Asynchronous Design with Spring and RTI: 1M Events per Second
  • An application designer usually has to choose where to trade flexibility for specificity (and thus usually performance); knowing when and where to do so is an art and requires experience. This talk will share over a decades worth of experience making these decisions and the learnings from developing Pivotal's successful Real Time Intelligence (RTI) product using the latest versions of Spring projects: Integration, Data, Boot, MVC/REST and XD. A walk through the RTI architecture will provide the base for an explanation about how Spring performs at hundreds (and millions) of events/operations per second and the techniques that you can use right now in your own Spring applications to minimise resource utilisation and gain performance.
  • Josh Long
  • Building "Bootiful" Applications with Spring Boot
  • Alright, so maybe "bootiful" won't ever work, but I tried, and it was worth it too because you're reading this. Spring Boot, the new convention-over-configuration centric framework from the Spring team at Pivotal, marries Spring's flexibility with conventional, common sense defaults to make application development not just fly, but pleasant! Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long for a look at what Spring Boot is, why it's turning heads, why you should consider it for your next application (REST, web, batch, big-data, integration, whatever!) and how to get started.

2:00 PM

  • Janne Valkealahti
  • Asynchronous Design with Spring and RTI: 1M Events per Second
  • An application designer usually has to choose where to trade flexibility for specificity (and thus usually performance); knowing when and where to do so is an art and requires experience. This talk will share over a decades worth of experience making these decisions and the learnings from developing Pivotal's successful Real Time Intelligence (RTI) product using the latest versions of Spring projects: Integration, Data, Boot, MVC/REST and XD. A walk through the RTI architecture will provide the base for an explanation about how Spring performs at hundreds (and millions) of events/operations per second and the techniques that you can use right now in your own Spring applications to minimise resource utilisation and gain performance.

3:15 PM

  • Eric Bottard
  • A guided tour to Spring XD internals
  • What happens when a Stream is deployed to a Spring XD cluster? How does Stream processing and data partitioning work? How does the cluster recover when a Spring XD container goes down? We'll cover all those topics and some more using live demos in this deep dive session about Spring XD
  • Stephane Maldini
  • Reactive Micro-Services with Reactor
  • Micro Service Architecture is now becoming the standard for a large range of companies. Amid the problems to solve when building micro-services, developers might need to think asynchronous. Reactor offers a progressive and non opinionated concurrency handling to any JVM application — and beyond. Not only is it a handy lightweight toolkit, it is also part of the Reactive-Streams specification and as such is interoperable with friends such as RxJava or Akka. Come discover some tips and tricks when building micro-services on top of Reactor, understand how it builds on top of Reactive-Streams specification and why this is a game changer in today's software development.


11:15 AM

  • Ben Hale
  • Designing REST-ful Micro-services with Spring Boot
  • As data-driven applications become ubiquitous, the services that provide the data are proliferating. As teams become responsible for more and more of these services, it becomes critical that they be designed and implemented in a way that is as lightweight as possible. This session will cover how to design micro-services as RESTful APIs and implement them with minimal code using Spring Boot. It will focus on API design using REST and HATEOAS, with live coding progressing all the way to a full-fledged app running in the cloud.
  • Josh Long
  • Building "Bootiful" Applications with Spring Cloud
  • Alright, so maybe "bootiful" won't ever work, but I tried, and it was worth it too because you're reading this. Spring Boot, the new convention-over-configuration centric framework from the Spring team at Pivotal, marries Spring's flexibility with conventional, common sense defaults to make application development not just fly, but pleasant! Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long @starbuxman for a look at what Spring Boot is, why it's turning heads, why you should consider it for your next application (REST, web, batch, big-data, integration, whatever!) and how to get started. Let's take advantage of the dynamic nature of a virtual JUG: I will be live coding and (attempting to) answer your questions on all things Spring and Spring Boot as I introduce the technology.

12:30 PM

  • Oliver Gierke
  • Spring Data REST - Repositories meet Hypermedia
  • The Spring Data repository abstraction significantly eases implementing data access layers in Java. On top of that the REST module of the umbrella project provides a programming model to easily expose hypermedia-driven REST resources to interact with the repositories. The talk discusses the patterns Spring Data REST implements, how internet standards and specifications influence the design and how the modules exposes meta-data to build loosely coupled clients. The presentation contains a lot of hands on code samples to demonstrate the discussed aspects.
  • Brian Clozel
  • Inside Spring.io: A production Spring Reference Application
  • Would you like to take a look inside the newly open-sourced reference application that powers the spring.io site? Then join Spring Guru Brian Clozel who will survey some of the features behind the harmonized platform. This talk will cover the following:
    • Idiomatic use of Spring Boot
    • Taking advantage of Spring Framework 4 features
    • A tour of our JavaScript frontend using cujoJS's curl, Bower and Gulp for a clean and modular design
    • Zero-downtime deployment to Cloud Foundry using blue/green deployments
    • Find out more about Spring.io here!

2:30 PM

  • Thomas Darimont
  • What's new in Spring Data?
  • This talk will give a broad overview of the new features introduced in the latest Spring Data release trains. We will cover recent additions and improvements in Spring Data Commons - the module that's shared amongst the store specific ones. We'll then delve into the latest and greatest features of individual store modules, like JPA, MongoDB, Neo4j, Solr and the community ones as well.
  • Andy Wilkinson
  • Documenting RESTful APIs
  • An API's documentation is a vital part of making it easy to understand and easy to use. RESTful APIs are no different. In this talk we'll look at what should be included in your RESTful APIs documentation and, just as importantly, what should not be included. We'll look at a number of real-world examples of good and bad API documentation before considering a number of different approaches for producing documentation for a RESTful API built using Spring.

3:45 PM

  • Christoph Strobl
  • Boot your search with Spring
  • Searching data has become mission critical in days of google. We want to find, not to search! This session focuses on solutions for integrating search into your application. We’ll have a look on Spring Data’s search abstraction for Apache Solr, Elasticsearch and Mongodb and do some hands on auto configuration using Spring Boot (100% XML free setup guaranteed). You choose the technology, Spring gives you tools to get going.
  • Rob Winch
  • The State of Securing RESTful APIs with Spring
  • Learn how to properly secure your RESTful endpoint, explore some common pitfalls when applying security to RESTful API and discover how the new features in Spring Security can greatly simplify securing your RESTful APIs. The many benefits of a RESTful architecture has made it the standard way in which to design web based APIs. For example, the principles of REST state that we should leverage standard HTTP verbs which helps to keep our APIs simple. Server components that are considered RESTFul should be stateless which help to ensure that they can easily scale. We can leverage caching to gain further performance and scalability benefits. However, the best practices of REST and security often seem to clash. How should a user be authenticated in a stateless application? How can a secured resource also support caching? Securing RESTful endpoints is further complicated by the the fact that security best practices evolve so rapidly. In this talk Rob will discuss how to properly secure your RESTful endpoints. Along the way we will explore some common pitfalls when applying security to RESTful APIs. Finally, we will see how the new features in Spring Security can greatly simplify securing your RESTful APIs.

Save the date for SpringOne2GX 2015!  We hope you will mark your calendar and join us again! SpringOne2GX 2015 will be held September 14 - 17, 2015 at the Marriott Marquis in Washington DC.

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