Spring Tool Suite 3.7.2 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | November 27, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the 3.7.2 release of the Spring Tool Suite, our Eclipse-based tooling.

STS 3.7.2 focuses on fixing existing issues and updating STS to work with the latest updates on Cloud Foundry, Spring, and the various Spring projects.

The list of fixed issues include:

  • Spring Boot Dashboard now works with the new Diego runtime on Cloud Foundry
  • Spring Boot 1.3.0 compatibility (due to updated spring components inside)
  • quick text search can now search for escaped * and ? characters
  • preliminary support for Eclipse Buildship (the new Gradle integration for Eclipse from Gradleware)

To download the distributions, please go visit:

Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS 3.7.2 New & Noteworthy.

STS 3.7.3 is scheduled to ship in early March 2016.


Spring Social 1.1.4 Released

Releases | Craig Walls | November 25, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce the availability of Spring Social 1.1.4.RELEASE. This includes the Spring Social Core, Web, Security, and Config modules.

This is a maintenance release, addressing a handful of bugs and introducing a few minor improvements (many of which were submitted as pull requests from our wonderful open-source community...thanks!). View the changelog for full details.

Project Site | Reference | JavaDoc

News for Spring Data JDBC Extensions Project

Releases | Thomas Risberg | November 25, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce the 1.2 release of the Spring Data JDBC Extensions project. This release updates the Querydsl dependency to 3.6.9 and adds an option to retrieve SearchResults using the QueryDslTemplate. See changelog for 1.2.1.RELEASE.

We are also pleased to announce the first milestone of the 2.0 version of the Spring Data JDBC Extensions project. The big changes for this release are:

  • change to building with Java 7 or later
  • upgrading the Oracle JDBC to version
  • updating any dependencies to follow Spring IO Platform 2.0 including Spring Framework 4.2
  • removing the Querydsl SQL support in this version (see below)

Spring Statemachine 1.0.1 Released

Releases | Janne Valkealahti | November 20, 2015 | ...

We’re pleased to announce a first maintenance release of Spring Statemachine 1.0.1. Artifacts are available either from Maven Central or from Spring Repository.

Changes in version 1.0.1 (2015-11-18)

  • autoStart via @EnableStateMachineFactory doesn't work [#113]
  • Update to framework 4.2.2 [#115]
  • Association with @EnableStateMachine and @WithStateMachine [#116]
  • EnableStateMachineFactory fails when there are 2 state machine configurations [#117]
  • PersistStateMachineHandler returning event outcome [#118]
  • NPE with missing configurer [#119]
  • Context events not working with StateMachineBuilder [#120]

Spring IO Platform 2.0.0.RELEASE

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | November 18, 2015 | ...

Spring IO Platform 2.0.0.RELEASE is now available from the Spring release repository and Maven Central.


  • Spring REST Docs 1.0

Major upgrades:

  • Reactor 2.0
  • Spring Security 4.0

Minor upgrades:

  • Spring AMQP 1.5
  • Spring Boot 1.3
  • Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2
  • Spring Data Gosling
  • Spring Framework 4.2
  • Spring HATEOAS 0.19
  • Spring Integration 4.2

A number of other Spring projects and their dependencies have also been updated to their latest maintenance releases.

Please note that a number of dependencies that were previously part of the Platform have been removed or replaced in this release. Please refer to the documentation

Spring Session 1.1.0.M1 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | November 17, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the community, I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring Session 1.1.0.M1. The release can be found in the Spring Milestone Repository (https://repo.spring.io/milestone/).

This release contains lots of fixes and new features. You can find a complete list in the changelog. The highlights have been included below:

Spring Boot 1.3.0 released

Releases | Phil Webb | November 16, 2015 | ...

One behalf of the Spring Boot team, and everyone that has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Boot 1.3.0 has been released and is available now from repo.spring.io, Maven Central and Bintray. This release adds a significant number of new features and improvements and builds on the latest release of the Spring Framework. For full upgrade instructions and "new and noteworthy" features please see the release notes.

Here are some of the highlights of v1.3:

Developer Tools

A new spring-boot-devtools module has been added which aims to improve the development-time experience. The…

Spring Framework 4.2.3 available now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | November 16, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the team I am pleased to announce that Spring Framework 4.2.3 is now available from repo.spring.io and Maven Central. This third maintenance release in the 4.2 line contains over 60 fixes and improvements.

We strongly recommend an immediate upgrade to 4.2.3 for all 4.x users. This release is the foundation for the upcoming Spring Boot 1.3 GA release coming up very soon.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

Spring XD 1.3 RC1 released

Releases | Mark Pollack | November 03, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring XD team, I am very pleased to announce the first release candidate of Spring XD 1.3 is now available for download. You can also install using brew and rpm.

This release includes some major new functionality for batch jobs. We have introduced the ability to create composed jobs that allows you to create a complex graph of jobs executed based on a new Job DSL. Flo for Spring XD UI has been updated to support the new Job DSL and provide a visual drag and drop canvas for creating composed jobs. Spring XD’s job execution UI also supports execution history of composed…

Spring Security 3.2.9 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | November 02, 2015 | ...

I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Security 3.2.9.RELEASE. This release provides bug fixes and minor enhancements. For complete details on the release, refer to the Change Log.

Highlights of the release include:

  • SEC-2190 - Fixing integration with the JSP tag libraries when Spring Security is registered in a child ApplicationContext
  • SEC-2521 - Removal of synchronized in StandardPasswordEncoder which drastically improves performance
  • SEC-3108 - Fix potential race condition in DigestAuthenticationFilter
  • SEC-3109 - DelegatingSecurityContextExecutor works with Concurrent/ThreadPoolTaskScheduler

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