Spring Tool Suite 3.7.2 released
Dear Spring Community,
I am happy to announce the 3.7.2 release of the Spring Tool Suite, our Eclipse-based tooling.
STS 3.7.2 focuses on fixing existing issues and updating STS to work with the latest updates on Cloud Foundry, Spring, and the various Spring projects.
The list of fixed issues include:
- Spring Boot Dashboard now works with the new Diego runtime on Cloud Foundry
- Spring Boot 1.3.0 compatibility (due to updated spring components inside)
- quick text search can now search for escaped * and ? characters
- preliminary support for Eclipse Buildship (the new Gradle integration for Eclipse from Gradleware)
To download the distributions, please go visit:
- Spring Tool Suite: https://spring.io/tools/sts/all
STS 3.7.3 is scheduled to ship in early March 2016.