Spring 3.0.0 is Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | December 16, 2009 | ...

It's here just in time for the holidays! Arjen Poutsma has just announced that Spring 3.0.0 is now final and Juergen Hoeller has blogged about the features in the release.

Download | Documentation | Javadoc API | Change Log | JIRA

Congratulations to Juergen, Arjen and all the other SpringSource engineers that worked so hard on the release. Also a huge thank you to all of the dedicated community members that have given feedback and identified issues along the way. Please keep up the good work so that we can continue to make all the Spring projects better and better.

Spring 3.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | December 01, 2009 | ...

It's getting closer. Arjen Poutsma has just announced that Spring 3.0.0.RC3 is now available. This release candidate contains lots of fixes to issues raised by community members.

Download | Documentation | Javadoc API | Change Log | JIRA

Thank you to all of the dedicated community members that have given feedback and identified issues. Please keep up the good work so that we can get a high quality 3.0 GA release.

Spring 3.0.0 Release Candidate 2 Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | November 13, 2009 | ...

Fresh from Arjen Poutsma's twitter feed: Spring 3.0.0.RC2 is now available. The release candidate contains lots of fixes to issues raised by community members and has also been updated to support the final versions of JSR-330 "javax.inject" and JSR-303 "javax.validation" APIs.

Download | Documentation | Javadoc API | Change Log | JIRA

Thank you to all of the dedicated community members that have given feedback and identified issues. Please keep up the good work as we move closer to GA.

Now Available: SpringSource Tool Suite 2.2.1

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | November 11, 2009 | ...

Today SpringSource has released an update to SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring, Groovy and Grails powered enterprise applications. The latest version (2.2.1) is now available for download and includes:

  • Hot on the heels of the latest Spring Roo release, STS now supports Spring Roo 1.0.0.RC3 and enhances the Roo shell with hyperlinking to application files letting you open them for editing with a single click.
  • The STS Grails tools have been updated to include a GSP editor for easy page template editing. The Grails tools can be downloaded as an extension to STS.
  • Support for the latest milestones of SpringSource dm Server: 2.0.0.M6.
  • Improvements to the Cloud Foundry integration that Charles Lee discussed in today's blog post.

Download | ChangeLog | New & Noteworthy | JIRA

We hope you enjoy using STS and please use the community forum to give your feedback and ask questions.

Spring Integration 2.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Mark Fisher | October 13, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce that the Spring Integration 2.0.0 Milestone 1 release is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | Release Notes

This milestone introduces the following features:

  • Spring EL support for endpoints (router, filter, transformer, etc)
  • Spring EL support for Messaging Mappers including a parameter-level @MessageMapping annotation
  • AOP-based MessagePublishingInterceptor including a method-level @Publisher annotation (using SpEL also)
  • JMS-backed Message Channels as drop-in replacements for any channel elements
  • and more (see the Release Notes for the full list)
Community feedback is more important than ever during the milestone phase, and we have a lot of exciting features on the 2.0 roadmap. So please give this milestone a try and join the discussions on the forum and issue tracker. Thanks!

Mark Fisher
Spring Integration Lead

Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0.1 Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | September 24, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce that the 1.0.1 maintenance release of Spring BlazeDS Integration, the open source solution for building Spring-powered RIAs with Adobe Flex, is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | JavaDocs | Changelog

Along with a number of minor bug fixes and enhancements, we have done some restructuring of the popular Spring BlazeDS Test Drive bundled sample application to make it even easier to get up and running in a variety of different environments, and to bring some of the configuration elements further in line with what you might see in the near future in a SpringSource Tool Suite project creation template for Spring BlazeDS Integration projects. Also, we've enhanced the security example further to really show how having Spring Security so tightly integrated sets this solution apart from alternate approaches to securing Flex applications.

As always, I encourage anyone interested to get involved by trying out the release and giving us feedback in the community forum and Jira. We've been getting some great feedback from people having success with Spring BlazeDS Integration in their projects, and we look forward to hearing more about your experiences.

Lastly, for anyone headed to Adobe MAX 2009, be sure and check out the session I'll be co-presenting with Mark Fisher on "Integrating Spring with BlazeDS and LiveCycle Data Services" on Wednesday, October 7th at 2PM.

Jeremy Grelle
Spring BlazeDS Integration Lead

Spring 3.0.0 Milestone 4 Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | August 13, 2009 | ...

This release got overshadowed by some of the recent news this week, but I want to tell the community that Spring 3.0.0.M4 is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | Change Log

This release includes some documentation changes, updated OSGi manifest information, a number of other improvements, along with some small revisions to supported frameworks like Hibernate, Tiles and others. Thank you to all of the dedicated community members that have given feedback and identified issues.

Spring Web Flow 2.0.8 Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | August 06, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce that the Spring Web Flow 2.0.8 release is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | Change Log

This release includes a number of small bug fixes and minor improvements, along with a few updates to the documentation. We would like to extend a sincere thanks to our active and dedicated community, as several of the issues were resolved with the help of community-contributed patches.

Jeremy Grelle
Spring Web Products Team

Now Available: SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | August 06, 2009 | ...

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0 is now GA and ready for download. Christian Dupuis' blog post covers all the new features included in the best development tool for building Spring powered applications:

  • Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) support and platform specific installers for Windows/Mac OS X/Linux
  • Support for milestones of Spring 3.0 including XML editing and validation, support for @Configuration and @Bean annotations
  • Support for milestones of SpringSource dm Server 2.0, RFC66 web modules and SpringSource Bundlor integration
  • Integration of Spring Roo for rapid application development
  • Optional integration of the new alpha Groovy Eclipse Plugin

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