STS Cloud Foundry Integration M5 Released

Releases | Martin Lippert | October 25, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the new milestone release M5 of the Cloud Foundry Integration for the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS).

This milestone release includes support for debugging applications in Cloud Foundry (for local clouds and the upcoming version of Micro Cloud Foundry). You can now start your apps in your local or micro cloud in debug mode and your Eclipse/STS debugger will automatically be connected to your app running inside of Cloud Foundry. You can set breakpoints, inspect variables, evaluate expressions, step through the app - everything you know from he good…

Spring Data MongoDB 1.0.0.M5 Released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | October 24, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce that the Spring Data MongoDB 1.0 Milestone 5 release is now available!

The primary goal of the Spring Data project is to make it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud based data services.

The MongoDB module provides integration with the MongoDB document database.

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

To learn more about the project, visit the Spring Data MongoDB Page.

There are a number of bug fixes and minor changes to the way certain features work. See the changelog

Spring Data Neo4j 2.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Michael Hunger | October 21, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that the first milestone release (2.0.0.M1) of the new Spring Data Neo4j major version 2.0 is now available!

In the last few weeks the engineers have been busy transforming the existing library under a new name to make it fit for its presentation
at Spring One 2GX next week.

A major internal refactoring split the framework into several submodules, each addressing a different concern.

  • spring-data-neo4j: Neo4jTemplate for easy, copying object-graph-mapping, and Spring Data Repositories using persistence entity meta information
  • spring-data-neo4j-aspects: transparent object-graph-mapping using AspectJ
  • spring-data-neo4j-cross-store: AspectJ based cross-store-persistence between JPA and Neo4j
  • spring-data-neo4j-rest: transparent access of a remote Neo4j REST-Server

As part of the refactoring, the source repository was also renamed and re-organized. The previously separated examples and the tutorial project are now included directly in the same github project

Spring Data Redis 1.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Costin Leau | October 19, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce the first release candidate of the Spring Data Redis 1.0 project is now available!

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

This release features several fixes and improvements such as:

  • Upgrade to Spring 3.1 RC1
  • Improved JDK 5 compatibility
  • Improved Spring 3.1 cache abstraction on top of Redis

We look forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker.

Spring Data JDBC Extensions with Oracle Database Support 1.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | October 18, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community, We are pleased to announce that the release candidate (1.0.0.RC1) of the Spring Data JDBC Extensions 1.0 project with Oracle Database support is now available!

The new Spring Data JDBC Extensions project was created to provide additional support for vendor specific JDBC extensions as well as new approaches to working with JDBC like QueryDSL. The bulk of the support is made up of code ported from the SpringSource project "Advanced Pack for Oracle Database" that was available for support subscription customers. We are now making this code available to all Spring users and any new developments will be made in the Spring Data JDBC Extensions project.

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

To learn more about the project, visit the Spring Data JDBC Extensions Homepage.

The improvements in Spring Data JDBC Extensions 1.0.0.RC1 include:

  • Added documentation chapter for QueryDSL SQL module
  • Added OSGi manifests
  • Fixed slf4j/log4j and other dependencies

I'd like to thank Andrei Stefan for the JPetStore re-write using the QueryDSL support and SQLFire. It provides a good example for using the QueryDslJdbcTemplate in a project - see

Looking forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker.

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.8.0 Released

Releases | Martin Lippert | October 18, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,


We're pleased to announce the new release 2.8.0 of the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS). Some highlights from this release:

  • ships on top of Eclipse Indigo SR1
  • includes full IDE support for Java 7 (coming with the Eclipse 3.7.1 update)
  • support for Spring 3.1 bean profiles, including validation and navigation
  • support for Spring 3.1 c-namespace including quick-fixes, validation and content-assist
  • improved constructor-arg validation and quick-fixes
  • updated Eclipse Maven integration (m2e 1.0.100), including migration assistance
  • support for Groovy 1.8.2
  • support for Grails 2.0.0.M2

More details on new features and bug fixes can be found in the New and Noteworthy document. Detailed installation instructions are also available. As always downloads are available from the STS download page.


If you wanna upgrade an existing STS installation, please also take a look at this blog post on how to upgrade the m2e support properly.

SpringSource at JavaOne 2011

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | September 19, 2011 | ...

Are you heading to JavaOne 2011? If you are, we invite all Spring, Groovy and Grails community members to stop by the SpringSource booth (number 5402) to chat with the Spring engineers and see the latest innovations in Spring, Grails and Cloud Foundry. The exhibit space is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, roughly 10am-5pm, so there should be plenty of time to get your questions answered.

SpringSource technologists are also presenting a lot of sessions as well so be sure to add the following talks to your session builder and reserve a seat:

  • Java Workloads in the Cloud (24701) - Scott Andrews and Ramnivas Laddad
  • Simplify Your JMS Code With Spring (22585) - Bruce Snyder
  • Caching and Data Grids Patterns and Tips (22500) - Costin Leau
  • Building Cloud-Ready Systems with Modern Open Technologies (17381) - Oleg Zhurakousky
  • Fewer Hoops with Hadoop and Spring (22501) - Costin Leau
  • Java Enterprise Applications in the Cloud: Fast, Fun and Easier than Ever (22120) - Stefan Schmidt & Gordon Dickens
  • What's New in Groovy 1.8 (23940) - Guillaume Laforge
  • What's New in Grails 1.4 (24262) - Graeme Rocher
  • Polyglot Persistence in the Cloud with Grails and Java EE (24280) - Graeme Rocher

Of course, if you are dedicated member of the Spring community, then SpringOne 2GX 2011 in Chicago is really the event for you. We are just one month away so be sure to register now

Spring Roo

Releases | Chloe Jackson | September 12, 2011 | ...

Instant Results - Making Java Fun

Spring Roo is a lightweight developer tool that makes it fast and easy to deliver instant results. Best of all, you code 100% in Java and get to reuse all your existing Java knowledge, skills and experience. You'll like it - and have plenty of fun too! Read how TomTom cut development time in half using Spring Roo.

Download the book by Josh Long and Steve Mayzak called Getting Started with Roo. You can also purchase it as a print-on-demand book or in alternative formats from the O'Reilly web site.

Ken Rimple and Srini Penchikala have also written the definitive Roo reference book called Spring Roo in Action available for purchase from Manning Publications.

Exciting Features - GWT. Solr. Cloud. Flex...

MVC applications with JPA are a breeze with Roo, but it also eases your journey into the next generation of technology. We already support cool features like Google Web Toolkit (GWT) for advanced next-generation user interfaces, Solr for search server integration and cloud deployment like Google App Engine. Plus we have incremental database introspection, Flex, Spring Integration and much more actively in development.

SpringSource and Google are working together to combine the speed of development of Spring Roo with the power of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to build rich browser apps. Try out the exciting GWT and Google App Engine support now available from Spring Roo 1.1.

Zero Risks - Productivity Without Compromise

With Roo you still program everything in Java. Its innovative approach operates entirely at compile-time and is completely compatible with your IDE. Plus because there's no runtime portion, adoption is also simplified and low risk. All your Java developers will feel comfortable and be productive from day one. Roo really represents productivity without compromise.

Why Spring Roo?

Spring Roo is a next-generation rapid application development tool for Java developers. With Roo you can easily build full Java applications in minutes. It differs from other productivity tools by focusing on:

Technology Integrations


Roo gives you easy and immediate access to all of the mainstream Java technologies important to building sophisticated enterprise applications. Here's just some of the technologies that Roo-based projects can instantly leverage (plus there's plenty more supported by third-party add-ons, or you can write your own add-on):

  • Adobe Flex
  • Apache ActiveMQ
  • Apache Maven
  • Apache OpenJPA
  • Apache Tiles
  • Apache Tomcat
  • AspectJ
  • AspectJ Development Tools
  • Cloud computing
  • Dojo Toolkit
  • Eclipse IDE
  • EclipseLink
  • Google Web Toolkit
  • Google App Engine
  • Hibernate
  • Java 5+
  • Java Bean Validation
  • Java Database Connectivity
  • Java Message Service
  • Java Persistence API
  • Java Transaction API
  • Java Server Pages
  • Jetty
  • JUnit
  • Log4J
  • Representational State Transfer (REST)
  • Selenium
  • OSGi add-ons
  • Solr search
  • SpringSource tc Server with Insight
  • SpringSource Tool Suite
  • Spring Integration
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Web Flow
  • URL Rewrite Filter
  • Web application resource (WAR) packaging
  • Write Your Own Add-Ons

Productivity Without Compromise

Roo's innovative approach is free of any compromises:

  • Program in Java!
  • Full IDE support (with features like code assist, refactoring and debugging)
  • No runtime portion, which means easier adoption in enterprise with approval requirements
  • Excellent runtime performance, as there's no runtime memory usage, deployment footprint, control flow invocation time etc
  • Lower risk of bugs impacting your project, as Roo operates entirely at development time (just like your IDE)
  • No lock-in to Roo, as you can remove it from your project in just minutes
  • Easy extensibility to new features thanks to OSGi-based add-on extensibility
  • We could go on, but you get the point: Roo doesn't make you compromise (ever) :-)

How It Works

In a nutshell, Roo is a lightweight console shell that you load up while developing your projects. While the Roo shell can be used to complete time-consuming operations in just one quick command, most of the time you'll just ignore Roo and go off and develop your project in your IDE or text editor.


As you go about editing code in your normal way, Roo keeps an eye on your project files and automatically modifies them in response to your actions. Depending on the Roo add-ons you have running, Roo can help you with different types of files. For example, Roo's JPA add-on means you can write an incredibly simple file that looks like this:

@RooJpaActiveRecord public class Hello { private String world; }

You might wondering what good is a Java class that only has a single private field. Well, not much. But Roo fixes that by using the compiler's "mixins" feature to add extra goodies into the .class files at compile-time (not runtime). This means the Hello.class actually contains a large number of useful members, none of which you had to go to the trouble of writing - or maintaining, debugging and testing - yourself:

public class Hello { private String world {..} public String getWorld() {..} public void setWorld(String world) {..} public Long getId() {..} public void setId(Long id) {..} public Integer getVersion() {..} public void setVersion(Integer version) {..} public String toString() {..} public void persist() {..} public void remove() {..} public void flush() {..} public static Long countHellos() {..} public static Hello findHello(Long id) {..} public static List findAllHellos() {..} public static List findHelloEntries(int start, int…

Spring Social 1.0.0 Released

Releases | Craig Walls | September 08, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce general availability of Spring Social 1.0!

Spring Social is an extension of the Spring Framework that enables you to connect your Java applications to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.

The big 1.0 release includes fixes for all bugs reported since 1.0.0.RC3. See the change log for all the details (Core | Facebook | Twitter)

To get the software, download the release distribution (Core | Facebook | Twitter) or simply add the maven artifacts to your project. To see it live, try out the quickstart and fire up the samples. Supplement as you go with information from the reference manual.

Spring Social requires Spring Framework 3.0.5 or > to run. We recommend Spring 3.1 for new applications to take advantage of the latest advances in the core framework. See the reference manual for a full description of dependencies.

It has been an awesome year leading up to this release. We are thankful for all of the community involvement that has helped make this a useful, quality project. Special thanks go to Matt Wright, Morton Andersen-Gott, Stefan Fussenegger, Bryce Fischer, Gabriel Axel, Marc Schipperheyn, Domingo Suarez, Gordon Dickens, Arjen Poutsma, and Juergen Hoeller for their support. I've taken the opportunity to reflect on our work in the last year at our team blog.

Join me for the webinar that I'll be hosting on September 29th.

We hope you enjoy using Spring Social!

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