Spring Cloud Hoxton.M2 Released

Releases | Ryan Baxter | August 19, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Milestone 2 (M2) of the Spring Cloud Hoxton Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Spring Milestone repository. You can check out the Hoxton release notes for more information. In addition you can view the GitHub Project For Hoxton.M2.

Notable Changes in the Hoxton Release Train

Spring Cloud Hoxton.M2 builds upon Spring Boot 2.2.0.M5.

Documentation Changes

The Hoxton.M2 docs have a new landing page as well as a new theme. The landing page will link you to the documentation for the specific project you are…

Spring Boot for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire 1.1.0.RC2 Released!

Releases | John Blum | August 14, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the Spring and Apache Geode communities, I am pleased to announce the release of Spring Boot for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire (SBDG) 1.1.0.RC2.

SBDG 1.1.0.RC2 can be obtained from repo.spring.io/libs-miletone, or declared as a dependency in either your Maven POM or Gradle build files:


What’s New

As with the previous release, 1.1.0.RC1, we continue our story on caching using Apache Geode as a caching provider in Spring’s Cache Abstraction for Near Caching.

This release contains a Sample Guide along with Code Example, a Spring Boot application, to help you better understand the Near Caching

Spring Session for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire 2.1.5.RELEASE & 2.2.0.M3 Available!

Releases | John Blum | August 14, 2019 | ...

I am pleased to announce the release of Spring Session for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire 2.1.5.RELEASE & 2.2.0.M3.

Both releases primarily contain dependency version updates.

SSDG 2.2.0.M3 aligns with:

  • Spring Framework 5.2.0.RC1

  • Spring Data Moore-RC2

  • Spring Session Corn-M3

  • Spring Boot 2.2.0.M5

SSDG 2.1.5.RELEASE aligns with:

  • Spring Framework 5.1.9.RELEASE

  • Spring Data Lovelace-SR10

  • Spring Session Bean-SR7

  • Spring Boot 2.1.7.RELEASE

Bits for SSDG 2.2.0.M3 can be acquired from repo.spring.io/libs-milestone and bits for SSDG 2.1.5.RELEASE can be acquired from Maven Central.

Spring Tools 4.3.2 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | August 14, 2019 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the 4.3.2 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia.

Highlights from this release include:

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: CTRL-click navigation does not handle properties on super class correctly (#326)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: Configuration property analysis does not handle properties written in snake_case correctly (#327)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: language server processes not being terminated correctly under specific circumstances, resulting in many language server processes keep running while Eclipse is open
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Eclipse Language Server cannot be resolved because of a uses constraint violation (#325)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: UI freezes caused by xmlnamespace support? (#318)
  • (Eclipse)

New Spring Integration, AMQP, Kafka Maintenance and Milestone Releases (08/2019)

Releases | Gary Russell | August 08, 2019 | ...

We are pleased to announce the following maintenance releases are now available.

All users are encouraged to upgrade to these versions

Spring Integration

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow | Gitter

Spring AMQP (Spring for RabbitMQ)

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow | Gitter

Spring for Apache Kafka

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow | Gitter


Spring Statemachine Goes Reactive with 3.0.0.M1

Releases | Janne Valkealahti | August 08, 2019 | ...

I’m pleased to announce a first milestone release of a Spring Statemachine 3.0.0.M1 and with these words I can say that Statemachine is going reactive.

Statemachine itself would not need to be reactive for its own execution but as soon as machine steps outside of its controlled environment to execute user defined logic like Actions and Guards there is no guarantees that those features would not block.

Those using persisting features with a databases will benefit with reactive changes when that side of a world becomes more reactive. Essentially every time we need to take a step outside from a…

Spring Session Corn-M3 and Bean-SR7 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | August 06, 2019 | ...

This post was authored by Vedran Pavić

On behalf of the community I’m pleased to announce the releases of Spring Session Corn-M3 and Bean-SR7. These releases will be picked up by Spring Boot 2.2.0.M5 and 2.1.8.RELEASE, respectively.

Spring Session Corn-M3

The Corn-M3 release is based on:

  • Spring Session core modules 2.2.0.M3

  • Spring Session Data Geode 2.2.0.M2

  • Spring Session Data MongoDB 2.2.0.RC1

Some of the highlights of Spring Session 2.2.0.M3 are:

  • support for save mode, which allows control over how session changes are tracked and saved to the session store

  • support for flush mode for JDBC-backed sessions

  • common strategy for resolving session indexes

Spring Boot 2.2.0 M5 available now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | August 06, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone that contributed, I am pleased to announce that the fifth milestone of Spring Boot 2.2 has been released and is available from our milestone repository. This release closes over 250 issues and pull requests. Thanks to all those who have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

For a complete list of changes and upgrade instructions, please see the Spring Boot 2.2 Release Notes on the wiki and the updated reference documentation.

If you want to get started with 2.2 and try out the new features, you can bootstrap a new project on https://start.spring.io

Spring Boot 2.1.7 available now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | August 06, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring Boot 2.1.7 has been released and is is now available from repo.spring.io and Maven Central.

This release includes 97 fixes, improvements and dependency upgrades. Thanks to all those who have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

How can you help?

If you're interested in helping out, check out the "ideal for contribution" tag in the issue repository. If you have general questions, please ask on stackoverflow.com using the spring-boot tag or chat with the community on Gitter.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow |

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