Spring Cloud Task 2.0.0.M3 is now available

Releases | Michael Minella | February 14, 2018 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Cloud Task 2.0.0.M3 is now available on Github and the Pivotal download repository. Many thanks to all of those who contributed to this release.

What's new?

This release includes upgrades to existing dependencies as well as some exciting new features for users of Spring Cloud Task. From a dependencies perspective, Spring Cloud Task 2.0.0.M3 has been upgraded to use the Spring Boot 2.0.0.RC1 stack as well as Spring Cloud's Finchley M6 dependencies.

Beyond just a dependency upgrade, there are a number of new features within Spring Cloud Task 2.0.0.M3. Let's…

Spring Cloud Contract in a polyglot world

Engineering | Marcin Grzejszczak | February 13, 2018 | ...

This article contains a short reminder of what Contract Testing is, how Spring Cloud Contract implements it, and how Spring Cloud Contract can be used in a polyglot world.

What is Contract Testing

In order to increase the certainty that our systems behave properly, we write different types of tests. According to the test pyramid the main types of tests are unit, integration, and UI. The more complex the tests, the more time and effort they require and the more brittle they become.

In a distributed system, one of the most frequent problems is testing integrations between applications. Let’s assume that your service sends a REST request to another application. When using Spring Boot, you can write a @SpringBootTest in which you test that behavior. You set up a Spring context, you prepare a request to be sent…​ and where do you send it? You haven’t started the other application, so you get a Connection Refused

Spring Cloud Finchley M6 is available

Releases | Spencer Gibb | February 13, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Milestone 6 (M6) of the Spring Cloud Finchley Release Train is available today. The release can be found in the Spring Milestone repository. You can check out the Finchley release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the Finchley Release Train

Finchley.M6 is compatible with Spring Boot RC1. Many updates have been made for compatibility with RC1.

Spring Cloud Sleuth

The internals of Spring Cloud Sleuth were rewritten to use Brave. Please see the Migration Guide for more information.

Spring Cloud Gateway

The performance of the gateway has improved dramatically. Fallback support has been added to the Hystrix filter. There is also an update to the Java Route DSL. To add filters, use the new filters()

Spring Integration for AWS 2.0.0.M1 and Spring Cloud Stream Kinesis Binder 1.0.0.M1

Releases | Artem Bilan | February 13, 2018 | ...

Dear Spring Community!

It’s my pleasure to announce two Spring Milestone releases for Amazon Web Services: Spring Integration for AWS 2.0.0.M1 and Spring Cloud Stream Binder for AWS Kinesis 1.0.0.M1.

Both milestones are available in the Spring Milestone repository and they can be consumed as maven dependencies:



This Week in Spring - February 13th, 2018

Engineering | Josh Long | February 13, 2018 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I've been in Munich and Frankfurt, Germany, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, and it looks like i'll be in New York City and San Francisco for the balance of the week.

We've got a lot to cover so without further ado so let's get started.

Spring Session 1.3.2 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | February 12, 2018 | ...

This post was authored by Vedran Pavić

On behalf of the community I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Session 1.3.2.RELEASE. This maintenance release contains numerous bug fixes and improvements.

Some of the highlights include:

  • #951 - SessionRepositoryFilter#changeSessionId does not copy the previous maxInactiveInterval into the new session

  • #983 - Optimize HazelcastSessionRepository write operations

  • #984 - Improve session event handling

You can find the complete details of the release in the changelog.

Feedback Please

If you have feedback on this release, I encourage you to reach out via StackOverflow, GitHub Issues, or via the comments section. You can also ping Rob @rob_winch, Joe @joe_grandja, or me @vedran_pavic

Spring Web Flow 2.5 RC1 is available

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | February 12, 2018 | ...

The first and only release candidate planned for Spring Web Flow 2.5 is now available from the Spring Milestones repository. The samples repository has been updated to use it.

This release provides an upgrade path to Spring Framework 5 along with Java 8, Servlet 3.1, Hibernate 5, Tiles 3, and JSF 2.2 as minimum requirements.

In this release "spring-js" has been merged with "spring-webflow" so there is no longer a separate "spring-js" module. As a result some configuration classes have changed packages. The "spring-js-resources" module is still available but as an optional module that must be…

Spring Cloud Edgware.SR2 Released

Releases | Ryan Baxter | February 09, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Service Release 2 (SR2) of the Spring Cloud Edgware Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Maven Central. You can check out the Edgware release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the Edgware Release Train

Spring Cloud Commons


Spring Cloud Contract


Spring Cloud Config


Spring Cloud Consul


Spring Cloud Netflix


Spring Cloud Bus


Spring Cloud Sleuth


The following modules were updated as part of Edgware.SR2:

Module Version
Spring Cloud Commons 1.3.2.RELEASE
Spring Cloud Contract 1.2.3.RELEASE
Spring Cloud Config 1.4.2.RELEASE
Spring Cloud Build 1.3.8.RELEASE
Spring Boot 1.5.10.RELEASE
Spring Cloud Consul 1.3.2.RELEASE
Spring Cloud Netflix 1.4.3.RELEASE
Spring Cloud Bus 1.3.3.RELEASE
Spring Cloud Sleuth 1.3.2.RELEASE

Spring Cloud for Google Cloud Platform 1.0 Milestone 2 Available

Releases | Artem Bilan | February 07, 2018 | ...

Dear Spring Community!

It’s my pleasure to announce today a new project in the Spring Cloud family. It’s called Spring Cloud GCP and its goal is to bring into your applications well-known Spring patterns and Spring Boot conventions for consuming Google Cloud Platform services.

The project currently is in version 1.0.0.M2 and is available from the Spring Milestone Repository:


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