Spring Boot 1.3.0.M4 Available Now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | August 18, 2015 | ...

We've just released Spring Boot v1.3.0.M4 as we found an annoying regression with CloudFoundry deployment. This release includes additional fixes and improvements.

For a complete list of changes, see the Spring Boot 1.3 Release Notes on the wiki and the updated reference documentation.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

#SpringOne 2GX 2015 is around the corner! Book your place at SpringOne2GX in Washington, DC soon. It's simply the best opportunity to find out first hand all that's going on and to provide direct feedback.

Spring Integration 4.2 Release Candidate is Available

Releases | Gary Russell | August 17, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce that the final release candidate for Spring Integration 4.2 (4.2.0.RC1) is now available in the spring milestone repository.

Features of this release include:

Security Context Propagation

The security context can now be propagated across ExecutorChannel and QueueChannels. The framework takes care of clearing the inherited security context when the downstream flow completes.

STOMP Client Channel Adapters

STOMP client-side channel adapters based on the support in Spring Framework 4.2 are now available (the initial work announced in milestone 1 is now complete).


Spring AMQP 1.5.0 Release Candidate Available

Releases | Gary Russell | August 14, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce that the release candidate for the 1.5 release (1.5.0.RC1) is now available.

New features and improvements in this release include:

Enhanced HA Queue Support

The high availability queue support has been enhanced in that you can configure a listener container to connect to the broker that is currently the master for the container's queue. If the connection is lost, the new master is determined and a connection to that broker is established.

RabbitTemplate Blocking Receive

It is now possible to use the the RabbitTemplate to receive ad-hoc messages. Previously, only a non-blocking receive()

This Week in Spring - August 11, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | August 12, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!

Spring Boot 1.3.0.M3 Available Now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | August 11, 2015 | ...

It is my pleasure to announce that Spring Boot v1.3.0.M3 is available now from the Spring milestone repository. This release includes 90 fixes and improvements and merges 38 pull-requests! Thanks again to everyone that has contributed.

Highlights of the new release include:

  • HTTP session persistence (enabled automatically with Devtools)
  • Configuration improvements for JMS and AMQP endpoints
  • Various Logback and log4j 2 improvements
  • Auto-configuration classes can now be excluded via configuration
  • Auto-configuration for embedded MongoDB
  • Auto-configuration for H2 web console

For a complete list of changes, and upgrade instructions, see the Spring Boot 1.3 Release Notes on the wiki and the updated reference documentation

Spring Roo 1.3.2 RC1 maintenance release now available

News | Pieter Humphrey | August 11, 2015 | ...

On behalf on the Spring Roo team at DISID Corporation, I am pleased to announce that Spring Roo 1.3.2 RC1 released candidate is out.

Spring Roo is a rapid application development tool for Java, allowing you to create full enterprise applications in just minutes.

Spring Roo jar files have been published to Maven Central. As always, the release is available in the Spring IO repository.

The candidate release fixes the following issues:

  • Error adding InnerType constructor on ITD Generation ROO-3583
  • JavaBean implementing Interface defining getters and setters ROO-3584
  • JavaBean implementing Interface and overriding getter causing null pointer ROO-3585
  • Request loose additional parameters when change language ROO-3595
  • Add support to generate Generic Methods ROO-3648
  • Update Selenium to support later versions of Firefox ROO-3634
  • Add renderLabel attribute in form fields tags ROO-3639
  • JpaActiveRecord entity implementing interface with getId(): double generation ROO-3587
  • Update Tomcat7 Maven plugin version ROO-3652
  • Generate command "selenium all"

Spring Batch 3.0.5.RELEASE is now available

Releases | Michael Minella | August 10, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 3.0.5.RELEASE is now available via Maven Central, Github and the Pivotal download repository. This is the 5th maintenance release for the 3.0.x branch of Spring Batch and addresses a number of minor enhancements as well as bringing Spring Batch fully compatible with Spring Framework 4.2. Many thanks to all of those who submitted the many pull requests that went into this release.

Spring Batch Home | Source on GitHub | Reference Documentation

We look forward to your feedback in Jira, StackOverflow, or to me directly via Twitter @michaelminella.

Spring Statemachine 1.0.0.M3 Released

Engineering | Janne Valkealahti | August 04, 2015 | ...

We’re pleased to announce a third milestone release of Spring Statemachine 1.0.0.M3.

A lot has happened since a previous milestone and getting here took a bit more time we originally estimated. Now that we're here, let's crack it and see what new features we have in this release.

Beyond usual bug fixes here is a list of main new features:

  • Distributed state machine
  • Persisting state machine context
  • Relax use of enums as states and events
  • Programmatic instantiation of state machines
  • New recipe modules
  • New samples (persist, zookeeper, web)

#Distributed state machine

Distributed state is a new…

First Release Candidate of Spring Data Release Train Gosling Available

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | August 04, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team, I am pleased to announce the availability of the first and final release candidate of Spring Data release train Gosling. The release ships 121 fixes and enhancements, most notably the following ones:

  • Querydsl integration for Spring MVC and Spring Data REST (see the example for details).
  • Improved compatibility with Spring Framework 4.2 and Spring Boot dev tools.
  • Spring Data JPA now exposes a JpaContext to easily obtain an EntityManager per domain type.
  • RepositoryRestConfigurer for less invasive configuration in Spring Data REST.
  • Spring Data Redis uses Lettuce fork maintained by Mark Paluch.
  • Support for ReadPreference in Spring Data MongoDB aggregations.
  • Support for range facets in Spring Data Solr.
  • Dependency upgrades to Spring Framework 4.1.7, Guava 18 and Jackson 2.6.

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.3 Milestone 1 released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | August 04, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.3 M1 milestone release.

The most important enhancements in the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.3 M1 version:

  • Add Hadoop 2.7.1 as the default release
  • Add support for HDP 2.3 and CDH 5.4.4
  • Bug fixes: Fix for append reopen may fail SHDP-510
  • Better boot support: Support boot config props metadata SHDP-452
  • Add support for Hive 1.x and HiveServer2

See the release changelog for details.

To be able to use Hive 1.x which dropped support for HiveServer1 and the corresponding Thrift client we had to rewrite the Hive support in Spring for Apache…

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