SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Apps + Data + Cloud: What Does It All Mean?

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 17, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Matt Stine

Developing for the Cloud Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/apps-data-cloud-what-does-it-all-mean

Big Data. Fast Data. NoSQL. NewSQL. We've experienced something of a renaissance in the storage and processing of data in the last decade of computing after years of "Relational Winter." We're now entering into the next phase of this evolution: the convergence of data and the cloud. Much of this revolution has arrived on the coattails of data fabrics designed for horizontal scale-out on commodity hardware. Cloud platforms, especially PaaS platforms like Cloud Foundry, allow us to provision the requisite virtual hardware on-demand, removing the last mile of overhead in assembling scale-out data platforms. Coupling PaaS with microservice architectures and polyglot persistence allows developers to design systems utilizing stores uniquely designed for specific write, process, and query patterns. Leveraging the Lambda Architecture combination of real-time analytics platforms coupled with scale-out batch processing systems like Hadoop give us the ability to always ask questions of all of our data. In this talk will look at various Spring projects that allow us, coupled with Cloud Foundry, to uniquely position ourselves to take advantage of this convergence: Spring Boot: the opinionated framework for microservice development Spring Data: the access layer for SQL, NoSQL, NewSQL, and Hadoop Reactor: the foundation for reactive fast data applications on the JVM Spring XD: the platform for data ingest, real-time analytics, batch processing, and data export We'll tie all of these projects together in a suite of applications running on Cloud Foundry and Hadoop, closing the Apps/Data/Cloud loop.

Learn more about Cloud Foundry: http://www.cloudfoundry.org

Learn more about Spring XD: http://projects.spring.io/spring-xd

Learn more about Spring Data: http://projects.spring.io/spring-data

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Become a data-driven Organization with Machine Learning

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 17, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Peter Harrington

Big Data Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-one2gx-2014peterharrington

Does your organization collect data? Lots of data? Does your organization make use of all that data they have collected? In this session you will learn what you do with machine learning, and what are the building blocks for an application that uses machine learning. This session will show you how to go from data you have collected to creating predictions for customers. You will learn how valuable insights into your data can be gleaned while building the code to make predictions.

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Building a Recommendation Engine with Spring and Hadoop

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 17, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Michael Minella

Big Data Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/building-a-recommendation-engine-with-spring-and-hadoop

The Amazon’s and Google’s of the world have had Ph.D.’s locked up in back rooms for years creating algorithms to get you to click on things and subsequently buy stuff. One of the big things that those smart people have been working on are recommendation engines. Today, a recommendation engine isn’t something that only the Amazon’s of the world can have. With an hour, and a handful of open source tools, we’ll build a recommendation engine based on the data from the website we probably spend the most time on…StackOverflow. We’ll use Spring XD and Spring Batch to orchestrate the full lifecycle of Hadoop processing (ingest, process, export) and use Apache Mahout to provide us with the recommendation processing. A basic understanding of Hadoop concepts (what Map/Reduce is) and Spring (basic D/I configuration) is expected for this talk.

Learn more about Spring Batch: http://projects.spring.io/spring-batch

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Asychronous design with Spring and RTI: 1M events per second

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 17, 2015 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Stuart Williams

Big Data Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/williams-1m-events

An application designer usually has to choose where to trade flexibility for specificity (and thus usually performance); knowing when and where to do so is an art and requires experience. This talk will share over a decades worth of experience making these decisions and the learnings from developing Pivotal's successful Real Time Intelligence (RTI) product using the latest versions of Spring projects: Integration, Data, Boot, MVC/REST and XD. A walk through the RTI architecture will provide the base for an explanation about how Spring performs at hundreds (and millions) of events/operations per second and the techniques that you can use right now in your own Spring applications to minimise resource utilisation and gain performance.

Webinar: Smarter Service-to-Service Invocations with Spring Cloud

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 17, 2015 | ...

Speaker: Josh Long

Spring Cloud 1.0 is here! It offers a powerful way to create and consume microservices. As you introduce new services, you introduce integration problems: services can be shaky, they can disappear and - as they're often exposed over HTTP - they require a bit more footwork than in-process method invocations. In this webinar, we'll focus specifically on how Spring Cloud integrates service registration (e.g.: Eureka, Consul, or Zookeeper), declarative REST clients (with Netflix's Feign), reactive programming and the circuit breaker pattern with Hystrix to support easy, robust service-to-service invocations. This is a deep dive on how to make connect and consume microservices, and is a natural next step after my introduction to building microservices with Spring Cloud.

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 2:00PM GMT (London GMT) Register

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 10:00AM PDT (San Francisco GMT-07:00) Register


Webinar: Reactive data-pipelines with Spring XD and Kafka

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 17, 2015 | ...

Speakers: Marius Bogoevici & Mark Pollack

In the recent years, drastic increases in data volume as well as a greater demand for low latency have led to a radical shift in business requirements and application development methods. In response to these demands, frameworks such as RxJava and high throughput messaging systems such as Kafka have emerged as key building blocks. However, integrating technologies is never easy and Spring XD provides a solution. Through its development model and runtime, Spring XD makes it easy to develop highly scalable data pipelines, and lets you focus on writing and testing business logic vs. integrating and scaling a big data stack. Come and see how easy this can be in this webinar, where we will demonstrate how to build highly scalable data pipelines with RxJava and Kafka, using Spring XD as a platform.

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 2:00PM GMT (London GMT) Register

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 10:00AM PDT (San Francisco GMT-07:00) Register

This Week in Spring - March 17th, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | March 17, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I've been busily preparin for a workshop I'll be giving at QCon São Paulo next week. If you're at the show, I hope you'll come out to say hi, ask questions and we'll talk Spring and Cloud Foundry. Obrigado!

  1. The replay on my humble webinar introducing Spring Session is online, check it out!
  2. Janne Valkealahti has just announced the latest release of Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0.RC1, packed with new features and now - at long last!! - near GA! Go Janne and team, go!
  3. Spring and Groovy & Grails Tool Suite lead Martin Lippert just announced STS and GGTS 3.6.4.
  4. I put together a post on getting started with Spring Data Couchbase
  5. Spring XD ninjas Marius Bogoevici and Dr. Mark Pollack are going to be giving a webinar on April 28th that introduces using Spring XD and Apache Kafka

Getting Started with Couchbase and Spring Data Couchbase

Engineering | Josh Long | March 16, 2015 | ...

This blog was inspired by a talk that Laurent Doguin, a developer advocate over at Couchbase, and I gave at Couchbase Connect last year. Merci Laurent!

This is a demo of the Spring Data Couchbase integration. From the project page, Spring Data Couchbase is:

The Spring Data Couchbase project provides integration with the Couchbase Server database. Key functional areas of Spring Data Couchbase are a POJO centric model for interacting with Couchbase Buckets and easily writing a Repository style data access layer.

What is Couchbase?

Couchbase is a distributed data-store that enjoys true horizontal scaling. I like to think of it as a mix of Redis and MongoDB: you work with documents that are accessed through their keys. There are numerous client APIs for all languages. If you're using Couchbase for your backend and using the JVM, you'll love Spring Data Couchbase

Webinar Replay: A Single-Page Application with Spring Security and Angular JS

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 14, 2015 | ...

Speaker: Dr. David Syer, Pivotal

Slides: http://presos.dsyer.com/decks/spring-security-angular.html

Spring Security, Spring Boot and Angular JS all have nice features for making it really easy to produce modern applications, so there is potentially a lot of value in making them work together very smoothly. Things to consider are cookies, headers, native clients, various security vulnerabilities and how modern browser technology can help us to avoid them. In this session we show how nice features of the component frameworks can be integrated simply to provide a pleasant and secure user experience. We start with a very basic single-server implementation and scale it up in stages, splitting out backend resources and authentication to separate services. The final state includes a simple API Gateway on the front end implemented declaratively using Spring Cloud, and using this we are able to neatly sidestep a lot of the problems people encounter securing a javascript front end with a distributed back end.

Learn about about Spring Security at http://projects.spring.io/spring-security

Learn about about Spring Cloud at http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud


Webinar Replay: Introducing Spring Session

News | Pieter Humphrey | March 12, 2015 | ...

Webinar Replay: Introducing Spring Session

Speaker: Josh Long, Pivotal

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/joshlong/bootiful-sessions

Back in the era of the application server, HTTP Session replication was a common way to scale out user session data, as well as make it fault tolerant. In today's world of lightweight containers, PaaS, and virtualization, Spring Session offers a 100% server and/or container portable HTTP Session. See how Spring Session easily plugs in implementations like Redis, scales out across a cluster, handles multiple users' browser sessions, works with WebSocket, and allows header based authentication within REST apps. It's a perfect fit for working with user data, particularly in a highly distributed environment like the cloud, or on a Platform like Cloud Foundry.

Learn more about Spring Session: http://projects.spring.io/spring-session

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