This Week in Spring - December 3rd, 2013
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Sofia, Bulgaria, talking to the great folks at the amazing Java2Days conference. This is my 5th year here and it's been an amazing show every time!
- Spring Integration 3.0 RC1 is now available! The new release features many nice, new features including a file-tailing inbound adapter, a JMX inbound adapter, redis queues, and much more.
- Don't miss Matt Stine as he discusses Spring with Immutability on Dec 10th!
- The replay of my webinar from last week, Have You Seen Spring Lately?, is now available online! The talk is a sort of introduction to the Spring IO platform, introducing many of the awesome technology released since the Spring team became part of Pivotal. It also introduces some new tech inside of Spring 4, as well as some oldies-but-goodies like Spring Social and Spring Batch, which continue to grow.
- Ben Hale's epic talk from SpringOne2GX 2013 which introduces REST API Design is now available online.
- Looking to get started quickly with Spring and application development? Check out this webinar replay of the SpringOne2GX 2013 talk introducing Spring Boot!
- InfoQ has a great post on how to use Spring Boot in conjunction with the Aerospike database
- Want to integrate a custom single-sign on authentication provider using Spring Security? This Stack Overflow discussion on integrating a custom single sign-on provider is very helpful! (I got this from the always-useful @SpringTip Twitter account)
- Xavier Padró's put together a nice post on how Spring Integration error handling works.
- Sergi Almar (@SergiAlmar) has put together a really great presentation on using Spring 4's websocket support. Definitely check it out!
- Also from @SpringTip, a great Stack Overflow post on how to filter database records using Spring Data REST and Spring MVC
- Nicolas Frankel is back at it again, this time with a nice post on using Spring Data SOLR