Spring Web Flow 2.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Keith Donald | April 14, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring Web Flow 2.0.0.RC1 is now available. Download | Documentation

2.0.0.RC1 introduces several new features, and fixes all known issues reported against previous milestones.

We recommend upgrading to 2.0.0.RC1 from previous Web Flow 2 milestones. We also recommend Web Flow 1 users begin evaluating their upgrade to Web Flow 2 at this time, as RC1 introduces comprehensive version 2 documentation, as well as a tool for automating the conversion of version 1 flows to the version 2 syntax.

The best way to get started with Web Flow 2 is to evaluate the reference applications included in the distribution and supplement with the reference guide.  Spring Web Flow 2 requires Spring Framework 2.5.3 and Java 1.4 or above. 

Find the new and noteworthy in the 2.0.0 RC1 release below:

2.0.0.RC1 New and Noteworthy

  • Introduced the Web Flow 2 reference guide, available in PDF and HTML format. The new guide is written in "quick reference" style with runnable code examples. Read it on-line, or download the printable PDF.
  • Added support for upgrading from Web Flow 1 to 2. Included in this distribution is a WebFlowUpgrader tool capable of converting flows from the version 1 syntax to the version 2 syntax. See the reference guide for instructions on how to use this tool
  • Added support for flow definition inheritance. With this feature, A flow may extend one or more flows. A flow state can also extend another state. This feature is used to facilitate reuse between flows and states that share a common structure.
  • Introduced Spring Portlet MVC support. See the Portlet section of the reference guide and the booking-mvc-portlet and booking-faces-portlet sample applications for examples.
  • Formally introduced the new "Spring Javascript" module, included within spring-js-2.0.0.RC1.jar. This module provides a Javascript abstraction framework for applying client-side behaviors such as form validation and Ajax in a consistent manner. It also bundles a ResourceServlet for serving Javascript and CSS from jars (a CSS framework is included as well). The default UI toolkit this framework builds upon is Dojo 1. Spring's JSF integration module called "Spring Faces" builds on spring-js to provide a lightweight JSF component library for form validation and Ajax.
  • Added Spring Faces integration with the RichFaces JSF component library. Rich Faces can be used with the Spring Faces component library or used standalone. A sample application illustrating this integration is available in our JIRA system.
  • Added a "jsf-booking" reference application that offers a comparsion between a traditional JSF web application and a Spring web application that uses JSF as the UI component model. Compare jsf-booking with booking-faces to see the differences in the architectural approach and implementation. This comparison is particularly relevant to JSF developers interested in learning more about Spring.
  • Introduced support for automatic model binding and validation with Spring MVC. This support provides a concise alternative to manual FormAction setupForm and bindAndValidate calls. This support also allows registration of data input Formatters application wide, reducing the need to manually register PropertyEditors on a view-by-view basis in many cases. Support for suppressing data binding for a event such as a cancel button click is provided. Support for invoking validators by convention is provided. See the booking-mvc sample for an example.
  • Introduced view scope. View scope is allocated when a view-state enters and destroyed when a view-state exits. The scope is useful for updating a model specific to one view over a series of Ajax requests. It is also the scope used to manage JSF component state.
  • Added support for flow message bundles. Create a messages.properties file in your flow's working directory for the Locales you need to support and off you go.
  • Introduced configurable view-state history polices. A view state can preserve its history to support backtracking, discard its history to prevent backtracking, and invalidate all previous history to disallow backtracking after a point of no return. See the new 'history' attribute on the view-state element.
  • Refined the flow execution snapshotting process. These refinements capture view-state form values on postback to support restoring those values when backtracking. This preserves edits when going back using the browser back button for data stored in flow scope.
  • Simplified flow execution testing by allowing you to jump to any state to begin a test case. See the booking-mvc and booking-faces for examples of flow test cases.
  • Improved booking-mvc as a reference application showing @Controllers together with Flows. A new FlowHandler concept provides a clean bridge between Controllers and Flows, allowing the two types of handlers to interact in a structured manner. Also improved the organization of the reference application Spring configuration to illustrate best practice.
2.0.0 Final is right around the corner! Enjoy!

The Biggest Loser's Next Contestant: Java Bloatware

Engineering | Rod Johnson | April 09, 2008 | ...

If the tech community were to host their own version of the popular TV show The Biggest Loser (or maybe Celebrity Fit Club) you would see enterprise Java front and center---bloated, overweight, tired, and drained.

The future of enterprise Java is becoming clear. The morbidly obese legacy platforms are in decline, with leaner solutions increasingly used in production as well as in development. Legacy technologies such as EJB are becoming less and less relevant.The lukewarm takeup of Java EE 5 leaves it looking increasingly like the last gasp of traditional J2EE bloatware. Meanwhile, the Java EE 6 specification is finally set to allow for greater modularity, in a radical change which will have important implications for developers and is likely to rejuvenate competition among implementations. As the standards and the products based upon them have gathered pound after pound of cellulite, SOA, Web 2.0 and other infrastructural changes continually impose new requirements that were not foreseen…

Q2 Amsterdam Java Meetup - May 23rd 2008

Engineering | Alef Arendsen | April 08, 2008 | ...

It's been a while... for the Amsterdam Java Meetup that is. I've been traveling a lot and haven't been able to organize another meetup past quarter. But here we go again: the (almost) quarterly Amsterdam Java Meetup with free drinks (or at least, the first few rounds) will be hosted in grand-cafe de Jaren in Amsterdam (see below for more info on the location) on the 23rd of May. You can expect many Java devs (usually between 50 and 80 people turn up), technical as well as non-technical discussions and of course, the latest gossip in the Dutch Java industry. We'd love to hear from people from…

Spring .NET 1.1.1 Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | April 07, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring .NET 1.1.1 has been released.  

Download | SiteDocumentation | Changelog

This is primarily a bugfix and enhancement release but some minor new features were introduced:

  • ParameterValidationAdvice to validate method arguments.
  • A Required attribute and RequiredObjectFactoryPostProcessor for enforcing the configuration of required properties.
  • ASP.NET Panel control to disable DI on…

Spring Framework 2.5.3 Released

Releases | Ben Hale | April 07, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that Spring Framework 2.5.3 has been released!  Download | Documentation

This is the third update release in the Spring 2.5 series. It fixes issues reported since 2.5.2 and introduces various enhancements, such as:

  • @Autowired and @Required annotations interact more intuitively
  • ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping detects @Controller beans by default
  • "bean(...)" pointcut designator matches against bean aliases as well
  • Spring 2.5 "jee:*" config elements use resource-ref="true" by default
  • new CachingConnectionFactory for JMS session and producer pooling
  • new DB…

Spring Security 2.0.0 RC1 Released

Releases | Ben Alex | April 01, 2008 | ...

Spring Security 2.0.0 RC1 is now available.

| Changelog | Announcement

Over 65 issues have been addressed, including OpenID integration, a new "protect-pointcut" for AspectJ expressions, dynamic retrieval of method authorization metadata, support for method authorization on all method types (interface, class, bridge, generic, superclass), restful URI authorization, namespace improvements, dependency updates and much more!

Spring Batch 1.0.0.FINAL Released

Releases | Dave Syer | April 01, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring community,
We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 1.0.0.FINAL has been released!

Downloads | Site | Changelog | Announcement

There are no significant high-level changes since rc1, except some updates to the reference documentation. The main functional changes were that retry and skip can now be used in the same step, and there are some extra configuration options for fatal exceptions in the step factory beans.

SpringSource Application Management Suite (AMS) Released

Engineering | Jennifer Hickey | March 31, 2008 | ...

It has been a busy few months since SpringSource partnered with Hyperic to bring our Application Management Suite (AMS) product to market. I am pleased to announce that the SpringSource AMS beta release is now available to all. Please take a moment to evaluate the software and post your thoughts on the beta forum. We are committed to providing the best application management experience possible for Spring-powered applications, and your feedback is much appreciated!

Those who expressed an interest in SpringSource AMS at The Spring Experience in December received an email announcing the beta…

What's New in Spring Web Services 1.5?

Engineering | Arjen Poutsma | March 28, 2008 | ...

After being in the works for about six months, I'm happy to announce that Spring Web Services 1.5.0 has been released! In this post, I'd like to go over some of the major new features.

New Transports

The 1.5 release includes two new transports: JMS and email. Using these new transports requires no Java code changes: just add a bit of configuration, and you're off! The JMS transport integrates nicely with Spring 2's Message-Driven POJO model, as indicated by the following piece of configuration taken from the airline sample application:

<jms:listener-container connection-factory="connectionFactory">

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