More Weapons for the War on Complexity: SpringSource Acquires Groovy/Grails Leader

Engineering | Rod Johnson | November 11, 2008 | ...

I am delighted to announce that SpringSource has acquired G2One, the company behind Grails and Groovy.


I’m excited about this deal for many reasons.

Grails is a great fit with Spring and SpringSource technologies. Grails is built on Spring. It offers another route to adopt Spring, the de facto standard component model for enterprise Java. All the power of Spring (and Java) lies beneath the surface of every Grails based application—a key reason that Grails can scale to enterprise use, as well as a validation of Spring’s power and flexibility.

Like Spring, Grails is a technology that simplifies the lives of developers and makes them more productive. As our new tagline, Weapons for the war on Java complexity, reflects, simplification has always been core to what we’ve done as a company and as technologists…

Spring for .NET 1.2.0 Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | November 10, 2008 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring for .NET 1.2.0 is now available.

Download | Support | Documentation| Community

This release contains the following new major features:

  • WCF integration - Configure WCF services using dependency injection. Apply AOP advice to WCF services.
  • MSMQ integration - MSMQ helper classes to increase your productivity developing messaging applications. Provides integration with Spring's transaction management features.
  • Apache ActiveMQ integration - Helper classes to increase your productivity developing messaging applications with ActiveMQ/NMS
  • Quartz integration - Configure Quartz jobs, schedulers, triggers using dependency injection. Convenience classes for implementing Quartz Jobs.
  • AOP- New inheritance based AOP proxy generation
  • NHibernate 2.0.1 support.
This release includes approximately 100 bug fixes and enhancements since the 1.1.2 release.

Please refer to the changelog for additional details.


Spring JavaConfig 1.0.0.M4 Released

Releases | Chris Beams | November 07, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring Community,
We are pleased to announce that Spring JavaConfig 1.0.0.M4 is now available.
Download | Reference Docs | API Docs

Major Highlights

  • @AnnotationDrivenTx - support for declarative transaction management
  • @AnnotationDrivenConfig - support for @Autowired, @Resource, et al.
  • @ComponentScan - scan for @Component classes directly from JavaConfig
  • @AspectJAutoProxy - first-class support for @Aspect beans
  • @MBeanExport - first class support for exporting JMX MBeans
  • Complete PetClinic sample now available with distribution demonstrating use of JavaConfig
  • Improved support for externalized values with @ExternalValue and @PropertiesValueSource
  • @ImportXml - bootstrap Spring XML bean definitions from JavaConfig
  • Improved error handling
  • ... and dozens of other resolved issues

Please give this milestone a test drive, and provide your feedback through the Spring JavaConfig Forum or Issue Tracker. For more information, visit the Spring JavaConfig Home.

Chris Beams
Spring JavaConfig Lead

Deploying GWT Applications in SpringSource dm Server - Part 1

Engineering | Ben Corrie | November 07, 2008 | ...


This will be a series of 3 blogs describing a step-by-step approach to building and deploying GWT applications in the SpringSource dm Server™. The focus of the blogs will be as follows:
  1. Building and deploying the GWT StockWatcher sample app as a WAR file in dm Server, using the SpringSource Tool Suite to build it from scratch.
  2. Deploying with a "Shared Libraries" approach: How to remove the GWT dependencies from the WAR and deploy them as an OSGi bundle in dm Server.
  3. Deploying with a "Shared Services" approach: We convert the single WAR file into OSGi services which can be shared by other applications and hot-swapped out.
It is worth noting that I am not using the Spring Framework anywhere in these first two blogs. Integration between Spring and GWT is a subject in itself and I want to try to keep each blog as focused as possible. In the third blog, I will show how to use Spring to publish and consume OSGi services and how this can be integrated with GWT.


The blog will take a practical step-by-step approach to building the GWT StockWatcher sample described here. The Google tutorial takes you through the steps required to build a GWT sample from scratch using RPC. I will be referring to pages in the tutorial as we go through and discussing the advantages/disadvantages to various approaches.

The blog assumes that you have an install of SpringSource Tool Suite 1.1.1 (I'm using the Eclipse 3.4 version),  dm Server 1.0.0 and GWT 1.5. It also assumes that you have a good understanding of Java programming and a basic understanding of Javascript and Ajax.

For the purposes of the paths used in the demo, I created a new Eclipse workspace at /Users/bcorrie/gwt/workspace. I have included zipped up projects you can download below, which contain a GWT_ROOT_INSTALL variable I have defined. To use my projects, when you import them navigate to "Preferences" -> "Java" -> "Build Path" -> "Classpath Variables" and define your own GWT_ROOT_INSTALL

Spring Integration 1.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Mark Fisher | November 04, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring Community,
We are pleased to announce that Spring Integration 1.0.0.RC1 is now available.
Download | Reference Documentation | JavaDoc

1.0 Final is now just around the corner. Please give this Release Candidate a test drive, and provide your feedback through the Spring Integration Forum or Issue Tracker. For more information, visit the Spring Integration Home.

Mark Fisher
Spring Integration Lead

Spring 2.5.6 Released

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | November 04, 2008 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring 2.5.6 has been released.
Download | Support | Documentation | Changelog
This release primarily fixes some bugs and also adds some new features:

Please refer to the changelog for additional details.


A Word About the Election

Engineering | Rod Johnson | October 28, 2008 | ...

No, not the Obama/McCain smackdown on Nov 4. As you may have read in SD Times, SpringSource has been elected to the JCP Executive Committee for Java SE/EE, along with SAP, Ericsson, Nokia, Philips, and IBM. I will be the SpringSource representative.

Not that the JCP matches the scale of the presidential race. But this is an important moment for SpringSource, and one that reflects the years of hard work and leadership the entire team at SpringSource has provided in enterprise Java. More importantly, I believe that our election will help us to make Java stronger.

From the first book through the…

Getting started with SpringSource dm Server

Engineering | Rob Harrop | October 22, 2008 | ...

Updated 28-Oct-2008: Added up-to-date sample links and link to third sample

Last night I presented 'Introduction to SpringSource dm Server' at the Philadelphia Spring User's Group. During this presentation I created a small application called GreenPages, demonstrating all the major aspects of dm Server. I promised the attendees that I would post the application and the slides here.

In the last few weeks since the GA release of dm Server many people have been asking about the best way to get started with dm Server, so I'm using this entry to collect all the relevant information together…

Spring Batch 2.0 New Feature Rundown

Engineering | Dave Syer | October 21, 2008 | ...

In this article we outline the main themes of Spring Batch 2.0, and highlight the changes from 1.x. Development work on the new release is well underway, with an M2 release last week, and we are getting a lot of interest, so now seems like a good time to give a few pointers.

Spring Batch 2.0 Themes

The four main themes of the new release are

  • Java 5 and Spring 3.0
  • Non-sequential execution
  • Scalability
  • Configuration: annotations and XML namespace
so we'll cover each of those areas separately and describe what they mean and the impact of the changes on Spring Batch existing users. There is more detail below for features that are already implemented, which is mostly in the first category with some enabling features in other areas.

There are no changes to the physical layout of the project in Spring Batch 2.0.0.M2 (same old downloads, same basic layout of Java packages). We have not removed any features, but we have taken the opportunity to revise a couple of APIs, and there are some minor changes for…

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