David Turanski

David Turanski

Blog posts by David Turanski

Testing Spring Cloud Stream Applications - Part 2

Engineering | December 15, 2020 | ...

This is Part 2 of Testing Stream Applications. In Part 1 we implemented and tested the core function needed for our sample couchbase-sink application. The tests at the function level covered expected success and error scenarios and relied on Testcontainers to provision a Couchbase cluster. This post assumes you have read Part 1 and continues where it left off.

Couchbase Sink

In Part 1 we verified that the function we wrote for upserting data into Couchbase works as expected. We can now use the function, exposed as a java.util.Consumer, to implement a sink to use in a data pipeline built with…

Testing Spring Cloud Stream Applications - Part 1

Engineering | December 15, 2020 | ...

This post is part of a blog series that explores the newly redesigned Spring Cloud Stream applications based on Java Functions. This episode, presented in two parts, explores strategies for testing functions used to implement stream applications. We will pay special attention to functions that integrate with external resources, which presents additional testing challenges. Such is the case with most of the pre-packaged source and sink applications. To illustrate this, we will walk through a sample couchbase-sink application. Here in Part 1, we will focus on the core function on which the sink…

Case Study: Remote File Ingest with Spring Cloud Data Flow

Engineering | September 29, 2020 | ...

This article is part of a blog series that explores the newly redesigned Spring Cloud Stream applications based on Java Functions. In this chapter, we explore how to use Spring Cloud Stream Applications and Spring Cloud Data Flow to implement a very common ETL use case: Ingesting files from a remote service. Specifically, we will look at how to ingest files from S3, SFTP, and FTP.

Here is what is included in the blog series to date:

Case Study: HTTP Request Function and Processor

Engineering | August 17, 2020 | ...


We began this series by introducing the new stream applications based on Java functions, and function composition. The previous entry presented a tutorial for building a simple stream application and running it in Spring Cloud Data Flow. Today we explore the HTTP Request Function and present examples of how to use it.

In case you missed it, the prior posts in this series are:

Case Study: Build and Run a Streaming Application Using an HTTP Source and a JDBC Sink

Engineering | August 10, 2020 | ...


So far in this series we have introduced the new stream applications based on Java functions, and function composition. We have also provided detailed examples of how to build a source from a supplier and a sink from a consumer. Here we continue the journey with the first of several case studies to follow. Each case study demonstrates how to use one or more of the available pre-packaged Spring Boot stream applications, in various scenarios, to build data streaming pipelines.

Today we will showcase two of the most commonly used applications, the HTTP source and the JDBC sink. We will use them to build a simple service that accepts HTTP POST requests and saves the contents to a database table. We will first run these as standalone Spring Cloud Stream applications, and then show how to orchestrate the same pipeline with Spring Cloud Data Flow

Introducing Java Functions for Spring Cloud Stream Applications - Part 1

Engineering | July 20, 2020 | ...

Introducing Java Functions for Spring Cloud Stream Applications - Part 1

Last week we posted Introducing Java Functions for Spring Cloud Stream Applications - Part 0
to announce the release of Spring Cloud Stream applications 2020.0.0-M2.
Here, we explore function composition, one of the more powerful features enabled by the function oriented architecture presented in Part 0. If you haven’t had a chance to read Part 0, now would be a great time!

Function Composition

Function composition has a solid theoretical foundation in mathematics and computer science.
In practical terms, it is a way to…

Introducing Java Functions for Spring Cloud Stream Applications - Part 0

Releases | July 13, 2020 | ...

We are happy to announce the release of Spring Cloud Stream applications 2020.0.0-M2. This release is a complete overhaul of the legacy Spring Cloud Stream App Starters. Starting with this release, we are moving away from theme-oriented release train names (famous scientists in alphabetical order) to calendar based versioning. The current GA release is called Einstein, and we are pleased to introduce 2020.0.0-M2. We are also moving away from the app starters. Having reorganized, repackaged, and (in some cases) rewritten the underlying code, we now have a new Git repository: spring-cloud/stream…

Groovy Bean Configuration in Spring Framework 4

Engineering | March 03, 2014 | ...

This post is intended to introduce the Groovy Bean Builder to Java developers as a powerful alternative or supplement to Java @Configuration and XML configuration. The Spring Framework release 4.0 includes a port of the Grails Bean Builder to the core Spring Framework, providing a Groovy DSL for configuring Spring applications. Groovy and Grails developers are no doubt familiar with configuring Spring applications this way and I expect the rest of you are already thinking "How cool is that?"

Don't worry if you're not a Groovy expert. Just as many Java programmers use another popular Groovy DSL, Gradle, to build applications, you only need to know some basic syntax to get started. Sample code is available on github

Spring Data GemFire 1.3.0 Released

Engineering | March 14, 2013 | ...

I am pleased to announce the GA release of Spring Data GemFire 1.3.0. In addition to many minor bug fixes and enhancements, this release includes some notable new features to make writing Java applications with GemFire even easier:

Annotation Support For Functions

GemFire provides the ability to "bring the code to the data" by providing a framework for remote function execution. In keeping with Spring's core values, Spring Data GemFire hides the boilerplate code necessary to register and execute remote functions, allowing you to write POJOs and focus on application logic. See the Annotation Support for Function Execution chapter in the Spring Data GemFire Reference Guide for details.

Simplified Connection to a GemFire Datasource

GemFire exposes a lot of options for tuning the performance of it's connection pool, and to configure how local data is managed an synchronized. The Spring Data GemFire namespace supports all of these options, however many applications are clients that simply need read/write access to the GemFire data grid. For this class of applications, it is now possible to connect to GemFire as a client without explicitly configuring a pool or client regions:

        <gfe-data:locator host="${host}" port="${port}"/>

The above configuration will create a client cache, pool, and proxy client regions for all available regions on the server, with sensible defaults, and register them as Spring beans.

JSON Support

GemFire 7.0 provides the ability to store JSON with full query support. Typically this requires the application to use the JSONFormatter to convert GemFire's internal format to and from JSON Strings. Spring Data GemFire now provides an option to perform this conversion automatically for selected regions, as will as one way conversion from Object to JSON using Jackson's ObjectMapper. This feature uses Spring AOP to intercept appropriate operations on Region and GemFireTemplate. See the Spring Data GemFire Reference Guide for details.

A Groovy DSL For Spring Integration

Engineering | November 06, 2012 | ...

Spring Integration implements Enterprise Integration Patterrns using the Spring programming model to enable messaging in Spring-based applications. Spring Integration also provides integration with external systems using declarative adapters supporting jms, http, amqp, tcp, ftp(s), smtp, and so on. Currently, configuring message flows is primarily done via Spring XML and Spring Integration supports several namespaces to make this as succinct as possible. Earlier this year, SpringSource released a Scala DSL for Spring Integration. Now, we are pleased to announce the first milestone release…

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