This Week in Spring - March 4th, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | March 05, 2014 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring.

As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!

  1. Spring Batch and Boot co-founder Dr. Dave Syer has announced that Spring Boot RC4 is now available. Check out the latest cut for all the goodies!
  2. There is a new guide that details how to use Spring Data REST
  3. Spring Data ninja Christoph Strobl has announced that Spring Data Redis 1.2 is now available.
  4. Don't miss Mattias Arthursson on a webinar March 18th, presenting Spring LDAP 2.0.0.
  5. Join Juergen Hoeller and the Spring Team for a webinar on Java 8 and Spring Framework 4.0 on March 25!
  6. David Turanski has put together a nice post on how to use Groovy for bean configuration
  7. Alvaro Videla's and Jan Machacek's talk from SpringOne2GX 2013, RabbitMQ is the new King, is now available online
  8. Gary Russell's SpringOne2GX 2013 talk introducing Spring Integration's internals is now online
  9. Pance Cavkovski has a nice post demonstrating the web socket support from the JavaWebSocket project, Java EE 7 and Spring 4.
  10. Norris Shelton Jr. has a nice post on accessing the Spring Security principal from the currently installed Authentication object using a custom annotation
  11. Quinten Krijger has a nice post on how to manage session concurrency with Spring Security and Spring MVC
  12. Tomasz Nurkiewicz writes about how to build a custom Spring XML namespace. He makes a great point at the beginning, though: Spring doesn't require XML!
  13. The Not Just Another Blog blog looks at how to override the Spring Security filter chain
  14. Thys Michels has a short-and-sweet post on how to configure a Spring application using Java configuration to consume an ElasticSearch service on Heroku.

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