Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in London, England for µCon, Antwerp, Belgium for Devoxx, and Malmö, Sweden for Oredev. If you're around, ping me and say hi.
- Spring Framework and Spring Boot ninja Stephane Nicoll just announced that Spring Framework 4.3.4, mostly bugfixes, is available now.
- Spring Security ninja Joe Grandja just announced Spring Security OAuth 2.0.12 which is primarily bugfixes and paves the way for some nice new features.
- Spring Cloud Data Flow and Spring Cloud Task ninja Glenn Renfro just announced Spring Cloud Task 1.1.0.RC1. Spring Cloud Task continues the journey to 1.1 which adds a lot of new features including error handling, improved options for customizing the launch of partitioned job workers.
- Spring Data lead Oliver Gierke just announced Spring Data release train Hopper SR5. This release includes a lot of updates across all of the modules including the modules for JPA, KeyValue, Cassandra, SOLR, Gemfire, Neo4J, MongoDB, Envers, Redis, ElasticSearch, Couchbase, and updates to Spring Data REST and and Spring Data Commons.
- Spring Cloud co-lead Spencer Gibb just announced the Spring Cloud CLI launcher. This is one of my favorite new utilities - it makes getting to the punch even easier with Spring Cloud! Install it and then run
spring cloud configserver dataflow eureka h2 hystrixdashboard kafka zipkin
and you'll have those services running on the appropriate ports! Simple.
- Spring Cloud Data Flow ninja Thomas Risberg just announced Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes 1.1 M2
- Spring Cloud ninja Ryan Baxter just announced Spring Cloud Camden SR2 which consists of bugfixes to the various Spring Cloud modules.
- Last week, I looked at how to explicitly lesser known aspects of the Spring Framework component model
- William Witt took one of my talks and adapted the examples to work in the PCFDev Cloud Foundry environment and documented it step-by-step along with code - this is an awesome resource! Good job William!
- want to use JHipster and Stormpath together? Spring community hero Matt Raible's got just the fix
- friend of the Spring community Michael Simons just put together a really interesting look at exposing a JOOQ-based analytics API as a Spring Boot and Spring MVC-based REST API.
- Pivotal's own Ben Wilcock put together a very nice look at using Spring Boot and the Axon 2.0 framework together.
- If you want to learn more about the new version of Axon 3.0, be sure to join Axon lead Allard Buijze and me for a webinar on November 16!