This Week in Spring - December 3, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | December 03, 2019 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Can you believe - and I can't, by the way - that we're already in December 2019? The last month before the new year? The last month of this decade? It defies belief! I can't even imagine how we got this far so quickly, but it's great that we did. I started writing This Week in Spring in the first week of January 2011, so we're fast approaching 9 years of This Week in Spring!

As I write this I am in Toronto, Canada, for the last stop on the SpringOne Tour train for 2019. I enjoyed giving a two-hour talk introducing all sorts of stuff in the wide world of Reactive Spring yesterday. Now, I am just biding my time, preparing for my departure to Australia later today. I am off to Australia for two stops on the YOW! conference circuit. I wholely look forward to seeing everyone there!

Among other things, I am using my free time to prepare my Azure Spring Cloud talk for my upcoming December 5 webinar. If you haven't already registered, you should! There's so much to talk about in this brand new offering between Microsoft Azure, Pivotal and of course the Spring team, and you shouldn't miss it!

As usual, friends, we've got a ton of stuff to get to so let's dive right in!

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