Spring Modulith 0.6 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | May 02, 2023 | ...

I am excited to announce the 0.6 release of Spring Modulith. We have packaged a number of great new features, most notably:

  • GH-175 – Auto-configuration for MongoDB transactions if you use the event publication registry
  • GH-184 – The event publication registry now enables asynchronous processing and shutdown behavior.
  • GH-190@EnableScenario for using the Scenario testing API with @SpringBootTest integration tests.
  • GH-192 – Support for jMolecules architecture stereotypes in the Application Module Canvas.

Find the complete changelog here, as well as the reference documentation and Javadoc.

In other news, we have decided to promote the Spring Modulith project into a top-level, non-experimental Spring project. We are going to move to the org.springframework.modulith group identifier and release a 1.0 M1 (likely identical to the current 0.6) release right after Spring Boot 3.1 GA.

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