EIP 'Loan Broker' Reference Implementation (Part 1)

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | March 19, 2010 | ...

We are pleased to announce the first installment of the 'Loan Broker' Reference Implementation. 'Loan Broker' concept has become a de-facto reference domain for showcasing Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) - by Gregor Hohpe ad Bobby Woolf, and this installment of the Loan Broker RI demonstrates how Enterprise Integration Patterns are realized and applied using Spring Integration (SI) framework.



At the core of EIP architecture are the very simple yet powerful concepts of Pipes and Filters and Message. Endpoints (Filters) are connected with one another via Channels (Pipes). The producing endpoint sends Message to the Channel and the Message is retrieved by the Consuming endpoint.  This architecture is meant to define various mechanisms that describe How information is exchanged between the endpoints, without any awareness of What those endpoints are or What information they are exchanging, thus providing for a very

Introducing SpringSource tc Server 2.0

Engineering | Bruce Snyder | March 10, 2010 | ...

In the very near future, SpringSource tc Server 2.0™ will be released including a new Spring Edition, representing some big changes for the product and a big step ahead for web application development. This also continues SpringSource's commitment to tc Server being a 100% compatible drop-in replacement for Apache Tomcat that provides the best place to build and run your Spring applications and is ideally suited for modern virtual environments.

Based on the Tomcat server that we all know and love, tc Server adds advanced diagnostics, operational management and mission-critical support…

SpringSource S2G Forum Munich next week

Engineering | Juergen Hoeller | March 10, 2010 | ...

Here in the Spring team, we are currently preparing for a busy next week: We have a three-day team meeting coming up from March 15th to 17th, immediately followed by the SpringSource S2G Forum Munich on Thursday, March 18th (overview, agenda, registration).

The S2G Forum series is a new conference concept that we are giving a try in Europe: One-day shows in specific regions, with international speakers, and also some regional-language talks thrown into the mix. Munich is the first of those shows this year; further ones are going to follow in Amsterdam on May 11th and in London on May 13th.


Behind the Spring Security Namespace

Engineering | Luke Taylor | March 06, 2010 | ...

With the introduction of the security schema in Spring Security 2, it became much easier to get a simple secured application up and running. In older versions, users had to declare and wire-up all the implementation beans individually, resulting in large and complicated Spring application context files which were difficult to understand and maintain. There was a pretty steep learning curve and I can still remember that it took me some time to get my head round it all when I started working on the project (then Acegi Security), back in 2004. On the positive side, this exposure to the basic…

Spring Framework 3.0.1 released

Engineering | Juergen Hoeller | February 18, 2010 | ...

After two months of incorporating valuable feedback, it is my pleasure to announce the first Spring 3.0 maintenance release - addressing more than 170 reported issues. Get it from our download page.

Since quite a few users asked for a dependencies distribution (as an alternative to grabbing dependencies via Maven or Ivy), we are providing a third download now: containing an Ivy repository with common third-party jar files. Note that the core framework is separate from the dependencies; the latter are just provided as an additional convenience and do not constitute an inherent part of the framework distribution. You may of course keep using any supported version

Practical Use of Spring Batch and Spring Integration

Engineering | Dave Syer | February 15, 2010 | ...

There are some common concerns of users of Spring Batch and Spring Integration, and we get asked a lot about how they fit together. Spring Batch Admin 1.0.0.M2 was released recently, and it makes heavy use of Spring Integration, so it is a good vehicle for looking at some specific use cases, and that is what we plan to do in this article.

Spring Batch Integration

Part of the 1.0.0.M2 release was the Spring Batch Integration module, recently migrated from Spring Batch and given a new home with Batch Admin. Many of the Batch-Integration cross over use cases are either implemented or demonstrated in Spring Batch…

Ajax Simplifications in Spring 3.0

Engineering | Keith Donald | January 25, 2010 | ...

In my last entry, I walked you through several enhancements in Spring 3 for web application development. A number of you expressed interest in a follow-up entry focused on Ajax remoting. Spring 3 provides a lot in this area to take advantage of. Read on, and I'll walk you through it.

Spring and Ajax Overview

For the purposes of this article, when I say Ajax, I'm talking about the web browser's ability to communicate with a web server asynchronously using JavaScript. On the server-side, Spring provides the programming model for defining web services, including services consumed by JavaScript clients. On the client-side, nobody rolls their own Ajax framework these days, either. Most use an established JavaScript framework such as jQuery or Dojo

Introduction To Spring Roo Screencast

Engineering | Stefan Schmidt | January 19, 2010 | ...

After our mad dash to the final release of Spring Roo 1.0.0 on New Year's Eve, many users have asked for an introductory screencast.

In this 5 minute screencast you will see how to:

  • Develop a simple "contact manager application" using the Roo shell
  • Import and edit the project our free IDE, SpringSource Tool Suite (STS)
  • Run the Roo-provided integration tests in STS
  • Modify the application and understand ITD round-trip support
  • Deploy to your IDE's web container
  • Use the scaffolded web user interface
  • "Push-in refactor" to move source code between Java source files and ITDs
  • Remove Roo from the project

Interested? Just click the image below and enjoy...

Spring Roo 5 minute screencast

If you'd like to learn more about Spring Roo, please feel free to visit this link:

dm Server project moves to Eclipse.org

Engineering | Adrian Colyer | January 12, 2010 | ...

Today we will be releasing version 2.0 of the dm server. This represents a major milestone for the project, and for enterprise application development with OSGi in general. I’m delighted to now be able to reveal the next step in the dm Server journey: we have submitted a proposal at Eclipse.org to continue development of the dm Server as part of the Eclipse RT top-level project. The Eclipse nickname for the project is Virgo.

Quick links:

What does this mean for users of dm Server?

The move to Eclipse.org has a number of practical implications for users of dm Server:
  • Project hosting, home pages, forums, and downloads will all be moved to Eclipse.org infrastructure
  • The license will change from the current (largely) GPL license, to the Eclipse Public License (EPL)
  • It will be much easier for other organizations and community members to get involved in the ongoing development of Virgo
The combination of the license change and community hosting at Eclipse.org opens the codebase to a much broader set of users and developers.

The follow-on release of dm Server will be developed and released from Eclipse.org.

Why is SpringSource making this change?

The dm Server represents a significant amount of intellectual property (IP) and has been in full-time development for over 2 years. Why would SpringSource move this project to Eclipse.org?

We set out with a vision to make modular application development a…

dm Server 2.0.0 released

Engineering | Andy Wilkinson | January 12, 2010 | ...

As Adrian mentioned, today is the day for dm Server 2.0 and I'm delighted to announce that dm Server 2.0 is now available. Thank you for all of the feedback that we've had during the development of 2.0, it's helped to shape it into what we believe is a big step forward for enterprise OSGi. We're now looking forward to the next steps on the journey at Eclipse.org.

There's a lot of great stuff in the 2.0 release. Here's a brief overview:

  • dm Shell - we've added a brand new shell in 2.0, that's available both in-process and remotely over ssh. It provides extensive support for managing a dm Server instance and its deployed artifacts.
  • Admin console - the admin console has been extensively overhauled in 2.0. It provides, among other things, support for managing and deploying artifacts, examining diagnostic dumps, and examining the bundle wiring both in the live system, and at the time of a resolution failure.
  • Plans - dm Server 2.0 introduces support for plans which are powerful alternative to 1.0's PARs for deploying modular applications. A plan can be used to reference all of the artifacts that comprise your application, optionally making the application atomic to tie the child artifact lifecycles together, and scoped to isolate the application from other applications deployed in the same dm Server instance.
  • Provisioning - dm Server's always had excellent provisioning support and in 2.0 it's got even better. In addition to the automatic provisioning of bundles based on the needs of the installed applications that was available in 1.0, dm Server 2.0 provides support for provisioning plans, PARs, and configuration from both local and remote repositories.
  • Web support - dm Server 2.0 builds upon 1.0's Web support and embeds the Tomcat-based reference implementation for the OSGi Web Container specification, allowing users to deploy vanilla WAR files with all their dependencies in WEB-INF/lib, and Web Application Bundles that import their dependencies via OSGi manifest metadata. The web container is configurable using the standard Tomcat server.xml.
  • User region - dm Server 2.0 introduces a user region which isolates the dm Kernel from user-installed applications. Among other things, this simplifies administration as it allows users to focus on user application artifacts and their dependencies without having to deal with those of the kernel as well.
  • Spring 3.0 - like many others, we've been tracking the Spring 3.0 milestones and release candidates, and dm Server 2.0 now packages Spring 3.0 final. If you'd prefer to use dm Server 2.0 with a different version of Spring, it can easily be configured to do so.
  • Hot deployment - in addition to support for deployment via the admin console, artifacts can also be deployed to dm Server by copying them into the pickup directory, either in archive or exploded form.
  • Running as a service - dm Server can now be run as a Windows service or as a Unix background process.
  • Logging - as in 1.0, dm Server's logging support is available via SLF4J. In 2.0, the backend has been replaced with LogBack, making it extensively configurable by modifying dm Server's config/serviceability.xml file with a rich set of appenders available out of the box.
  • Equinox 3.5 - dm Server 2.0 embeds Equinox 3.5, the reference implementation of OSGi 4.2.

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